My Old Man Wants To Read My Fanfic. Never!

I was happily updating my Fanfic while everyone gathered in the house. I don't like hanging out with the crowd but since the internet connection is too slow in my room, i have no choice. In the middle of updating my Fanfic, dad suddenly showed up behind me.

"So how's your english?" I looked at him wide-eyed then went to another site. I hope he wasn't able to read what i was typing...

"It's good!" I said while kept eyeing the screen.

"Then let me read what you're writing so I myself would know."  I gulped. afraid what would be his reaction when he found out I'm writing a ROMANTIC story involving hugs, kisses and some other kinds of skinship with my age meant for someone innocent.

"NOOO!!!" I shouted. "I promise you my english is good! Don't worry."

"Then let me read what you're writing. What would everyone say if they found out you're not good at it?"

"No!! Just wait...until i finish this thing." Then he left holding on to my words. That was close! He could never read my fanfic!! Not the Romantic one! not one that involves romanticism cause as he knows, I'm still young for romantic things until i'm 16. He's a formal man with a job that requires effiency in english so it would cause his image to be blurry if I don't know how to speak well. But since i told him my english is good...he wants me to tutor somebody i don't know. Hassle. But at least i'll earn money by tutoring. hahaha.

But still, i won't let him steal a peek with my fanfic! NEVER!!


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@Iheartlife : But i wonder though what will his reaction be if he reads it. LOL!
Iheartlife #2
oh my mom is the same way! LOL!