( zero ) // "Liang Ai Xing"

“ Liang AiXing ”



username: kittyxluvlee
what can we calll you? Mei
activeness 8-9


character name: Liang AiXing // Dawamo (Tibetan name)
nickname: XingXing
date of birth: April 17, 1997
height: 166 cm 
weight: 44 kg
hometown: Xining (Qinghai), China 
ethnicity: Chinese/Tibetan
language: Tibetan (fluent), Chinese (fluent), Korean (learning - intermediate), Japanese (intermediate)


ulzzang name: Byun Seo Eun
back-up ulzzang: Lee Dasom 
AiXing was a serious fashion terrorist when she first came to Korea. She would just mix and match whatever she could find. With the help of her members, she gradually began to understand the do's and don't's of the fashion world. She rarely wears pants because she feels that they're too restraining. A majority of what she wears is shorts. She often pairs them with over-sized, baggy sweaters, tank tops, or ripped up shirts. On formal occasions, her outfits mostly consist of floral, bright printed or patterned skirts with a plain blouse. Her shoes are usually tall heels, wedges, or boots. Anything that helps to boost her height. Usually anything that feels comfortable and doesn't restrain her, she likes. She loves piling on the accessories when she goes out. She likes to reuse her clothing by ripping them up or altering them into something new. 
others: Her favorite pair of sunglasses


background: AiXing grew up on the border of Tibet and China. Her parents, poor rice farmers, worked constantly, leaving AiXing to roam as she pleased. Her parents could not afford to send her to school, so they taught her the basics of education themselves at home. The one thing that her parents made sure that she learned was the art of Tibetan wailing (a singing form and style that centers around stretching one's vocals to reach high notes sustained for a long period of time). AiXing never really had much of a normal childhood. She played in the rice fields for the first four years of her life before her mother admonished her for not helping around the farm. At the age of five, AiXing started helping around the farm. All work and no play. They lived in extreme poverty with only one or two meals a day.
When AiXing was fourteen, her father managed to find a job in Korea working as a school janitor. The family packed up and moved to Korea where all three family members worked odd jobs. AiXing started attending a poor school while working as a janitor employee at a high-end fitness center. She lived in the slums with her family, struggling to help her family provide for their daily meal. At first, AiXing hated it in Korea. They were no better off than in China, but eventually, her mother landed a decent job at a chicken restaurant. They were slowly building a better life than they had in China, but it wasn't without all the hours AiXing and her family worked. Even now, she still has a stronger sense than most of filial duty to her parents. 

Onstage: AiXing always used to stress a lot before a performance, worried with anxiety that she will mess up on stage. It took her a lot of encouragement from the members to learn how to just enjoy herself on stage. Now, once she steps foot onstage, all the energetic energy coming off of the members somehow infects her, giving her something similar to an adrenaline rush. She has hyper energy onstage, never feeling tired until the end of the performance. She puts all of her energy into pulling off a performance perfectly, making sure that she hits all the right notes and giving her all. She focuses on her facial expression a lot, sometimes looking a little hassled as she desperately tries to keep her eyes on the camera and the red, blinking light. 
Offstage: Due to her rather primitive upbringing, she can be a little rough around the edges. She doesn't care much for all the tedious rules of society. She just does whatever she wants, whenever she feels like it, saying whatever she wants, and wandering wherever she wants. She's not used to being restricted and likes to sleep outside whenever she can. She's a bit too honest with her words, never thinking before she speaks. She's a raw country bumpkin, unused to the lies, competition, jealousy, and fakeness of the entertainment industry. She's painfully naive and gullible, trusting wholly in everyone. AiXing is a dreamer - neither an introvert nor an extrovert; she's somewhere in the middle - , easily distracted and zoning out for long periods of time (comes in handy when it comes to confrontations); she only pays half-attention to what others are saying around her, causing a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunications. She likes to keep things simple and clear-cut since complex situations make her brain hurt. AiXing easily gets confused, and many things tend to slip her mind.
She doesn't mind getting messy and dirty. In fact, she considers herself one with nature, spending time outside to meditate and to feel the 'zen'. Perhaps out of all the members in her group, she is the one who struggles the most with the group's fierce image. She's not very confident in pulling off 'bad-' or 'fierce' looks since she doesn't really understand what qualifies as 'badass';  she definitely does not grasp the concept of 'swag' very well. The only reason she was chosen for the group and kept was because of her powerful vocals. With the help of her other members, she's slowly adjusting. Due to her carefree attitude, she rarely gets angry, but whenever she is frustrated or annoyed, she'll let loose an incomprehensible babble of Chinese, Tibetan, and Korean (a language she still hasn't fully mastered). 
→ reading (reading nourishes the soul)
→ nature (she takes a lot of walks. She basically enjoys anything to do with the outdoors)
→ meditating, anything calming
→ fruit (wherever she goes, she needs to bring Tupperware containers with fruit)
→ to hoard useless things
→ daydreaming/sleeping
→ cleaning (she finds it calming and keeps everything neat)
→ stuffed animals (she likes to collect them)
→ dancing (anything that has to do with moving her body or flexibility)
→ small areas (anything restricting)
→ the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard
→ waking up early
→ being told what to do
→ voice cracks
→ tomatoes
→ being interrupted (when she talks, when she's daydreaming, or when she's already doing something)
→ chaos and disorder (she likes things neat when it comes to cleanliness)
→ being alone in the dark
→ shadows and creepy sounds in the night
→ horror stories, nightmares, wild figments of her imagination
→ clowns
→ doodling everywhere
→ playing with her hair (or others)
→ organizing things in her room according to feng shui
→ imagining crazy situations
→ making up random tunes for different situations (i.e. making toast, brushing her teeth)
→ eating whenever she has nothing to do (a dangerous habit) 
→ taking things at face value (she can't understand sarcasm even if it hit her in the face)
→ drumming her fingers four times on the table if she's nervous
→ shaking her legs
→ talking to herself out loud
→ smacking herself or shaking her head vigorously(either to stop herself from daydreaming or if she messes something up)
→ being totally clueless when it comes to technology (is this even considered a habit?)
→ singing wherever she goes without even realizing it
→ speaking a combination of Chinese and Korean without realizing it
→ She always has to have a 'secret place', somewhere she goes to daydream, meditate, calm herself, have some alone time, etc. Back in China, it was the hut in the woods not too far from the rice fields. In Korea, it's the dance room that people rarely use in the company building. 
→ She's fascinated by anything that spins
→ She gets excited whenever she hears the word 'game'.
→ She always picks Truth in the game Truth or Dare
→ She pulls her hair whenever she gets stressed
→ She gets stressed easily
→ She has three types of voices: normal voice, whiny/begging voice, and serious/frustrated voice
→ She doesn't get along with animals. Or rather, animals don't like her
→ She has an ongoing streak of bad luck and bad timing
→ She jinxes everything
→ She's lactose intolerant


( Liang -  AiXing's father - 46 -  He once worked on a farm as some sort of serf of tenant in a way. Due to a of luck, he now works as a janitor in a Korean school and other odd jobs -  He treasures his only daughter, always thinking of her to help himself get through the day. He prides himself on her lovely singing voice. When AiXing was a child, he would always ask her to go through the fields and sing for everyone within earshot to hear. His dream is that one day he will accumulate enough money to help his daughter live a life better than his. He spoils her a bit too much, letting her enjoy herself. He encourages her no matter what she wants to try. )

( Liang JamYang - AiXing's mother - 38 - The same as AiXing's father, she worked on their farm before getting a job as a waitress at a fast food chicken restaurant - Whereas AiXing's father spoiled AiXing, AiXing's mother keeps a firm rule over AiXing. She would always insist that AiXing work on her home studies whenever she wasn't helping in the fields. She always pushed AiXing harder, always making her work until AiXing could barely keep her eyes open. The whole reason she worked AiXing half to death was because she wanted her daughter to escape their lifestyle of poverty. When AiXing was offered a spot in Pledis, her mother strongly disapproved because the career path of a singer is always risky. She wanted her daughter to become something along the lines of a doctor or lawyer. She is still waiting for AiXing to show her that AiXing's efforts were not in vain. AiXing inherits her voice and singing abilities from her mother. )

( Lee Hyejin- 16 - trainee at Pledis Ent. - Being half-Chinese and half-Korean nad failing in her Chinese, she often seeks out AiXing for another Chinese lesson. )

( Hwang Minhyun - 17 - idol - He treats her in a cute sunbae-dongsaeng way ever since they practiced together for NU'EST's promotions for 'Hello'. )

love interest: Junhui
personality: Junhui's has always been seen as more of the quiet type, but he's actually quite the opposite. He takes care of his other members well, always being protective of those close to him and watching out for them. He's hardworking and diligent while maybe being a little too competitive or argumentative at times, especially when he feels wronged. He can be quick-tempered, jumping to conclusions on no basis.  But that doesn't mean he doesn't possess a playful side. He loves playing jokes (especially with or on MingMing) though he knows when to be serious. He's usually the mastermind, the one behind the pranks, letting the others actually pull it off. 
current relationship + how the two treat each other: Out of all the Seventeen members, AiXing feels lik it's easiest to talk to Junhui and occasionally, MingMing since there is less of a language barrier. Their relationship is on the edge of a co-worker relationship and leaning towards a friendly relationship though it doesn't necessarily mean he's always nice to her. He finds it hilarious when she's confused about something and loves taking advantage of her naivety. For example, one of his most favorite pranks is to teach her a Korean word but give her the wrong meaning and watch the chaos that ensues. And for some reason, AiXing still places her trust in him. 
back-up love interest: Joshua/Jisoo
personality: Most of the time he's chill and laid-back, He enjoys having fun with the others, laughing rather than joining in on their antics, though he still retains a sense of chivalry. He's the type of guy that helps old ahjummas down the street and helps random mothers on the street hold their grocery bags. When he's serious about something, everything he does is meticulous and carefully calculated, weighing the advantages and the disadvantages. 
current relationship + how the two treat each other: He's the one who usually lends AiXing a helping hand when she needs it. He's the gentleman who always helps AiXing when she's confused and explain to her what the Korean word Junhui taught her really meant. She's currently trying to convince and teach him how to achieve zen and become one with nature.
rival: Lee SooJin - AiXing seems to think that they're friends, but SooJin does not. She just goes along with the charade of being AiXing's friend. She used to be a chosen member of Pledis's new girl group Zero before her health issues got in the way. AiXing was the one who took her spot in the group - a last minute decision. She used to also be good friends with Junhui before AiXing came along. She despises AiXing for taking her "place". 


how did the chara. got into pledis ent.: AiXing has a habit of singing wherever she goes. One day at one of her odd jobs cleaning out the storage room of a fitness center facility, she began singing to an old Chinese folk song. Coincidentally, an agent of Pledis who happened to be lost looking for directions to the swimming pool was intrigued by the strange wailing noise coming from the storage room. He was surprised to find a young employee cleaning. Slightly impressed, he encouraged her to sing a song for him. Confused and overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, AiXing was soon encouraged to try out for the company after they had spent some time talking about her life and family situation. 
trainee life: AiXing was one of the newer trainees chosen to be in Zero. Worried that her lack of experience might drag down the other girls, she threw herself into practicing day and night, forcing herself to memorize the dance steps and bend in almost impossible positions. There were times that she would question herself if this was really the best choice rather than earning money for her poor, hardworking family. She would stay up into the wee hours of the night in her secret place, constantly practicing over and over again the new thing she had learned that day. She also had to somehow fit in Korean lessons and finish her school homework all while practicing every other moment that she could. The only time she didn't daydream was when she was practicing. It was hard to focus and stay cooped up in a room, but with constant practice and discipline, she finally managed to endure both without going insane. She works hard, trying to prove to her mother that her efforts were not in vain by striving to improve herself. 
training duration: about 6-7 months
experience(s): She was Minhyun's partner for Nu'est's 'Hello'. 
talents: singing: one two  ; Tibetan wail: three four

[the transcript below was answered by AiXing in Chinese and translated through an interpreter.]
How did you find out about Pledis?
Uh....how did I find out about what? (interviewer repeats the question) Pledis, you say? That's what you said right? (interviewer nods) (Aixing twirls a stray strand of hair) I was cleaning out the storage room where I work, you know, that fitness center at XXX street and XXX? Oh, you dropped your pencil. (Eyes survey the interviewing room while waiting for  the interviewer to pick up the pencil.) Oh, your pencil lead broke. Do you want another one? I can go get one for you. (Stands up but sits back down when interviewer takes out another pencil) Yeah, anyways. Uh...where was I? The gym part? And this Pledis person comes up to me when I'm singing all alone in the storage room -- I seriously thought I was alone. I mean, who would walk through the back door and pass by the janitor's closet? I mean, I probably wouldn't have sung if someone was there watching me. Anyways, uhm..yeah, so he told me to just try out. I didn't know anything. I just moved from China. Well technically, I moved from the Eastern-Tibetan Plateau. Not necessarily China. Just somewhere remote in the Qinghai Province, you know? It's really pretty there at this time of year. You should go. 
Why did you decide to train here?
He told me there was money involved. I'm not going to lie. My family needed money. I get offered money. What do you expect me to do? I mean, that janitor job? I like cleaning, but the gym? The locker room? (pulls hair and and starts shaking leg) 
Do you know groups from Pledis?
Uh.....well, I see some of them from time to time. Am I close to them? Not really. I mean, they're pretty busy. Being an idol is busy. How do people manage that without getting sleep? I would die. I know After School unnies. I remember that they came to visit all of us trainees one day back when we were all accepted. Uh...uhm....oh yeah! There are these groups called...Nuance? New East? Sixteen? (scratches head in confusion). (Interviewer whispers Nu'Est and Seventeen). Oh yeah! That' what they were called! Yeah, we see each other time to time in the studio. I know Minhyun. We talk occasionally when he has time.  
If so, who are your favorites?
(starts muttering to herself while scratching her head in deep thought) Favorite? What does she mean by favorite? The one I talk to the most? The funniest one? The nicest one? (interviewer clears throat to remind AiXing of her presence. AiXing eyes widen and she shakes her head a couple of times). Oh sorry. Forgot you were there. Sixteen - I mean, Seventeen - has some Chinese members, so I talk to them. The After School and Hello Venus unnies are nice, but I rarely seem them around here. I'm friends with Minhyun. Does that mean I should say Nu'est is my favorite? Favorite, huh? I don't really have one. What do you mean by favorite, anyways? The one I talk to the most? The funniest one? The nicest one? Everyone's really nice. It's a big, happy family at Pledis! 
Are you comfortable in revealing your personal life?
Yeah, I've got no problem. I mean, it's the truth. (pauses for a long interval) Wait...why? Do you want to know?

Can you take the pressure, the crazy fans, the media, and the expectations?
Pressure is really....pressuring.. Is that even a word? Anyways, I definitely get stressed easily. Can I handle it? Most of the time, yeah. All I really do is take some time to absorb the zen - the energy of nature never fails to calm the jitters! Want me to teach you? (Interviewer hastily declines)
Are you willing to drink milk?
No. I'm lactose intolerant. And I don't really like milk. Uh...why do you even want to know that? What type of question is this? (throws hands into the air)
Do you know Seventeen?
Didn't I already mention that before? Yes, I know OF them. That's a little different from knowing them, isn't it? I mean, you can know of a person and never even talk to them once. Right? Right? (starts shaking leg and twirling hair) I greet them if that's what you're asking. They're nice guys. Well, most of them, well, all of them are nice. Kinda noisy when I'm trying to concentrate on the zen. Though I do talk to the Chinese members. Can't really remember which one. 
If so, how did you get into them?
Oh, you mean as a fan? Am I even a fan of them? Am I into them? I mean, that way? I don't know. Am I supposed to be a fan of them? I mean, they're my labelmates. Rather than as I fan, I like them more when they're off-stage. They're just so full of....energy. Not the zen energy, but like sugar-energy, you know? I mean, not that I watch or stalk them constantly through the practice room windows. Don't get the wrong idea. (shakes hands frantically). 
What's your dream?
To earn enough and show my parents that everything will work out fine. Wait, that sounds more like a goal. Uh, I want to see my parents stop working and see them be able to retire peacefully. As for myself.....hopefully, I'll find my own little "niche" in society. Like where I belong. Maybe I belong with nature. Who knows? I haven't really thought about my dream. I mean, I like to daydream? Is that the same thing? I just wander aimlessly through life. Whoa, that sounds kinda of poetic. Maybe I should write a poem. (starts zoning out again, staring up at the ceiling.)


stage name: AiXing
nickname(s): AniXing (Ani meaning 'not' in Korean, and Xing meaning 'lucky' in Chinese. She's known for being the icon of misfortune in the group.)
personal fanclub: AiNi ('love you')
personal fc color: #cc3366
debut song: Don't Go


any questions? N/A
password: ( zero ) ( to ) ( hero )
any other comments? JUNHUI IS FABULOUS. That is all. Anyways, thank you for making a story for Seventeen keke ^^


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