Random ABC Survey

Found this on tumblr, I remember doing one here but this one's different. Plus I'm bored. Lol


A is for Age: 17
B is for Beer of choice: I don't like beer
C is for Career: Pediatric nurse or k-pop idol :D (probably not gonna happen lol)
D is for favorite Drink: That good ol' h2o
E is for Essential item you use everyday: Perfume
F is for Favorite song at the moment: Trap Love- Jeni Suk
G is for favorite Game: COD Black Ops 2
H is for Hometown: The Couve, WA
I is for Instruments you play: Guitar, but not very good
J is for favorite Juice: Some juice from costco, it has a lot of different fruits in it lol
K is for Kids: Too young to have kids
L is for Last kiss: Don't remember
M is for marriage: Jay Park.
N is for full Name: Skipping this.
O is for Overnight hospital stays: Once in the Philippines cuz I was dehydrated... on Christmas too -___-
P is for phobias: Spiders and other creepy bugs/ animals
Q is for quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment" -Buddah
R is for biggest Regret: Not trying hard enough and letting him go, even though things weren't really going anywhere
S is for sports: I don't play anything but I think gymnastics and boxing is cool
T is for Time you wake up: 6:10 am on school days
U is for color of Underwear: Tan-ish
V is for Vegetable you love: Cucumbers
W is for Worst Habit: Procastinating
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Don't remember
Y is for Yummy food you make: I don't mean to brag, but I make a mean bowl of cereal :D
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra


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