✶ Enchanted Incantation | Application | Fairy of Necromancy ✶





Enchanted Incantation


"Fairy of Necromancy"


"Fairy of Mischief"


Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do it, you can make anything happen.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



❃ Who are you ❃

Username: LeeHyeRi-ah

Activeness: 5/7


❃ Enchantix You ❃

Name: Zelphur

Nicknames: Furry (That is what people would call her)


She's a dark and mysterious character. She's extremely quiet, emotionless, studious and very sarcastic.
She could always come up with witty remarks or comments, especially in reply towards people who would try using antics and tried at many attempts at humor but failed to make her laugh but unless she has to speak, she would keep shut tight.
She's rather distant and much of an anti-social person and you would probably see her alone or trying to distant herself from people but that is very much due to one of her special abilities (communicating with the dead) but she's a dark character that everyone can relate to. (She's rather shy as well.)

She's always protrayed as the mature one. She is very intellectual and holds a wide range of knowledge and almost everyone would look up to her for sage advices and generally staying cool and calm even at extreme situations. However, behind the serious and emotionless face, she's the one most emotionally restrained. She does not allow anyone to come close to her or talk about her emotions and her past and that's because her emotions could greatly effect her powers and her past was a horrid memory as a result leading her to be alone or meditating somewhere no one would find her.
She's an independant young lady and would rather work alone than working with a large group of people where trouble would brew anytime and she HATES troubles.
Despite her unfriendly attitude, she's actually care greatly about the people she is attached to. She would her whole life on the line if she has to . She is also protrayed as the one of the most understanding one and would always comfort the people whom she is close to whenever she could. Overall, Zelphur is not coldhearted, merely introverted, caring deeply about those close to her.
She is also often protrayed as the most insensitive and pessimistic one and would generally regard everything as a "black and white" manner. If they would lose a fight and anyone who comes up to her to look for comfort she would tell them straight in the face that they just have to admit defeat and accept the situation, no matter how grave it is but she knows what she's saying. "What happened, happened. There's no point in changing what has happened." is what she would always say.


Back-up Personality: 

She's a joyous, spontaneous, sociable and most importantly the MOST playful person  you would ever met but she can be naive as well, however she is NOT stupid. So don't try to trick her.
You could say that she's a very sneaky person as she absolutely love playing pranks on people and would often get away with it by doing aegyo. 
She can be rather cheeky as well whenever it comes to jokes. She love cracking people up with her corny jokes and would poke fun at them. Sometimes she would slap their butts at random moments for the fun of it. 
She takes friendship absolutely seriously. She get very distress whenever her friends quarrel or fight and she would be the one helping them to resolve their problems. Above all, she wishes to be friends with everyone she meets and would try her very best to get along with them. 
Think twice about giving her a rule to follow because she will never follow them, let me repeat, she would NEVER EVER follow them. She's a rule breaker and a reckless one too. She would do everything and anything that her guts tells her to. She would follow by the nose and would sometimes end up regretting it. She's a risk taker and would risk her life if she were to meet face to face with extreme situations. She's never afraid to kick if she has to either.
Overall, she's a really nice and warm hearted person who loves to prank you whenever the chance arrives.

Likes: Gothic Novels, Depressing cafes, Herbal tea, Horror movies, Meditating, Reading, Creepy places, Chess, Keeping her emotions down, Knitting, cats, talking to the dead

Dislikes: Anyone who goes into her bedroom, jokes, Loosening up in general, Chickens (allergy), players

Habits: Meditating, reading whenever she could, playing with little kitties.

Hobbies: Meditating, Reading, Playing chess, Knitting, talking to the dead

Phobia/Fear: People would soon be aware of her ugly and horrid past, her abilities getting out of control

Trivias: She loves cute stuffs but never admitting them, she hates play boys, she loves earl grey tea, she prefers pizzas over potato chips, she would rather talk to the floor than talking to an idiot.


❃ Mirror Mirror On The Wall ❃

Face: Baek Su Min

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Back-up face: Joo

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Extras: She has a tattoo at her right shoulder blade.


❃ What Is Love ❃

Love Interest: Kai


A social butterfly. You would see him being surround by many, especially girls of all age.
He has that charisma no girl could resist. One look and BAM, you're in love with him. As claimed by his friend, he's fun to be around with and is one of the most trustable friend but when it comes to relationship... don't bother even asking.
Kai is famously known to be the flirt of all flirts. He can sweet talk a girl to bed, flirt with a girl till she swoons and kill with only a smile. Yes, he is THAT attractive.
He's the iest being alive which earned him the label as " God". He's ually appealing as claimed by many female individuals. 
If you were to compete him who breaks the most heart, well good luck. He has break more hearts than you ever imagine. He's nick name is also called "the heart killer" by many. Love rules? Nah, it's his rules. He plays the love game according to his rules and he gets away with it everytime. But he wouldn't mind you challenging him in anything because he is game for it especially when it comes to love.
The ladies love him, the men envy him. He's egoistic, deal with it.


How do you meet him:

She met him while she was grabbing a cup of coffee. He accidenatlly spilled his coffee all over her shirt. he apologized profusely and insisted to pay for her coffee. Being the "i don't really care, just leave me alone" girl, she just glared at him and walked off without waiting for her coffee. He chased after her and he apologized once more. He looked closer and noticed that she was quite a charmer and decided to sweet talk her out of trouble but failed to do so. She wasn't charmed by his usual pick up lines or anything he says or do. She simply hates him to the core when she first met him.
"You're a player, aren't you?" and obviously Kai was taken aback. She smirked and nodded her head. 
"Let's play a game. Are you up for it?" was what she said.

and that was the game and how they met.

Back-up Love Interest: SeHun


He's a total cutie with the bish face. He can be a little prankster himself and would pull of tricks whenever he feels like it.
Aegyo is one of his most powerful charms and would always use it to get out of trouble. He loves to joke around despite having that bish face and would love to see people around him laugh because of his jokes.
He can be quite stubborn at times because sometimes he wouldn't want to listen to people who are older than him just because he was younger than them.

How do you meet him: 

She met him while playing pranks on some little children. He was near by when he found a weird creeper scary little kids for fun. He found that quite amusing and decided to join in the fun. She immediately accepts his offer and the both of them played prank on anyone they see on sight.


❃ Kiss Goodbye ❃

Comments: I love the application! it's fun!

Suggestions: None. It's really fine. 

Password: EXO Teaser 18 Kai



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