Maybe I am over sensitive..

I'm not sure but I kinda get the feeling that Aren has very very few shippers? I don't know.. It's like there are so few fanfics on them and practically no one reads them.. Personally I'm writing one and it has so little views and comments I feel like giving up :C sigh.. Guys, should I stop writing Duplicated.? 


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I know how you feel basicly everyone i ship i feel like this because its not popular and i dont see many fics of just them it alwayz has other people with them, like himlo, i love hjmlo but heaps of people love banghim and banglo, even tho you think not many people ship aren you should still continue on with you ff :)
Baby. Look at my fics. They dont have much views and comments, but I still continually writing it. Just because of my college exams that makes me on hiatus...
Dont give up okay? I am always love your fics. New chapter of Duplicated was breathtaking for me. You have no idea how much I love it, cupcake.
So continue what you have started and end it with happiness okay?
Much with love, your unnie.
Nice day baby. See you on twitter~~~
WHAT?! NO! I love ARen and they're like my ultimate OTP besides JRen.
I would toally support you in finishing the story although I...have not read it yet. I will though. I will. Don't give up!