Overflowing Happiness



Kekekeke… oh well… I have mentioned that I am the copyreader of our English publication… and every year there’s this contest where all schools (elementary and secondary) participate… and since I am the said copyreader, I was then told to partake in the said contest… (tsuk tsuk this is my first time) I was so err damn busy, memorizing verbs and stuffs for the past days… trying to memorize all the terms and reading all the articles just for the sake of training myself… huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa it was indeed mind blowing puff T.T


My mentor didn’t even help me much… it was only my senior who contributed stuffs regarding the said copy reading… he bestowed upon me his POWERS (well okay not actually his powers but his knowledge and experience)


On the night before the contest, I was so oh well I just can’t sleep… I don’t know why but I feel kinda uncomfortable and then on the said morning, I was so arrrrrrrrggghhh pissed off coz everything seemed to be going on the wrong way T.T but when we arrived at the venue, I was ALL SMILES and phew somewhat a HAPPY GO LUCKY GIRL… not minding the tension that the other participants are emitting…


I was then situated at the last room and luckily my fellow classmate (Filipino copyreader) was waiting for me on the door… hmmmm… I was smiling like an idiot to everybody and thought that “oh this is just like a quiz” we were given an hour to finish it and I was… “What should I put as a headline???” being puzzled and stuffs… I already prepared for the printer’s direction… (the usual 2-20 TNRB) and the slug: k+12 orientation and now it was only the headline that’s left… at first I was thinking of putting “ DepEd talks about k+12” then I thought that ‘talks about’ is a weak verb… upon looking at the paper I noticed that the number of participants was indicated so I decided to add it and the word ‘scrutinize’ pops up on my head so I settled for “171 DepEd employees scrutinizes k+12” at That time, I didn’t noticed that I used the wrong subject-verb agreement T.T


After the contest I’m still smiling and cracking jokes to my fellow participants and then it was the night that I realized all the wrong parts that I’ve put into the paper… the same thing happens and I can’t sleep since I was thinking on what will happen to me (the awarding is on the following day)

On the time of the awarding, they started off announcing the winners from the elementary and I was like “god please let me have the 5th place… I’m already happy with the certificates” (the 5th-1st place will be the one that will be sent for the regional competition) huwaaaa I even told my mentor that if ever my name was not yet called on the 4th and 5th place then I’m already out (there were six of us and only five will be taken as part of the regional, don’t you know how painful it is if you are the one who has been crossed out?)

After some awarding here comes news and then copy reading… kyaaaa the 5th and 4th place were already called… I am now tensed and pretty much sulking in the corner… I even apologized to my mentor for not being able to make it but then when it comes to second place, “the 2nd place winner is Alesa Krista K. Valensoy, CCSPC-Laboratory High school” everybody cheered and I was left shocked at my seat… stunned by the sudden revelation… I then told myself… “I won! I won, didn’t I?”Then omo omo I really can’t believe it! My whole body is trembling due to happiness! It was my first time yet I was granted the privilege of winning second place with a silver medal! Huwaaaaaaaaaaa…. I’m really happy! This is the first contest in division level that I get to have a place! My first INDIVIDUAL contest that I won ^^

When I was still elementary, I was inclined with dancing and who would have ever thought that my real place belonged to somewhere inclined to pen and paper… this is really the greatest achievement that I have!!!



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Yay!!! :)
Oh, I'm so glad that you're finally having some good things happen to you^^ you deserve it!!.<3
mydane #2
congratulation......i still remember my high school days...esp.. contests with english ones....XD...