I'm A Horrible Fan...But Better Late Than Never. And Happy Anniversary Anyway!

I'm so incredibly sorry, guys. I feel like singing "I'm Sorry, Girl~" to you guys, but that really doesn't apply XD I'd have to switch it to "I'm Sorry, Boy", and that would probably change the whole meaning of the song.

So anyways...Happy late anniversary. I mean, it's technically today for me, but it was yesterday for you all...and I ran out of time to say something. So I'll make something up as I go along, I suppose.

I remember the first time I saw you guys. I liked your Bad Girl dance and thought Dongwoon was drop dead gorgeous. But no matter how hard I tried, I really couldn't get into any of your other songs. I had maybe a total of 4 songs (if I remember correctly, Bad Girl, Mystery, Shock, and Soom - and I only really listened to Bad Girl). You were cute, and I thought you were talented and all, but I seriously couldn't bring myself to totally fangirl over you guys.

It seems to happen to me a lot in the kpop world. But yeah, some time passed and you guys were always there, but I seldom acknowledged it before anyone else.

Then "On Rainy Days" came out, and I remember really liking the track. So I revisited some other songs. I still wasn't fond of them, but I tolerated them. Then came Fiction.

Something definitely clicked with Fiction. It instantly became my obsession. But even still, I couldn't even call myself a huge fan.

That was until a few weeks ago. I redid my page on here to say my biases were Dongwoon, Gikwang, and Yoseob. But suddenly I found myself torn between six members. While I like Dongwoon a teensie bit more, I realized that I had a growing love for each member equally.

Now, even still, I can't say I'm the hugest B2UTY, however, I'm doing my best to express my sincere admiration and love for the boys of B2ST. I gotta say, in my sudden interest in B2ST, I've gone back and relistened to all their old songs I once felt no emotional connection with. Now they're on replay on my iPod and I freaking adore them.

So, I guess I must apologize for not realizing that I love you guys sooner than I did. But it's always better late than never, and I'm glad I can now call myself a true B2UTY. :)

Happy anniversary to all six of you: Doojoon, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob, Gikwang, and Dongwoon. You guys have come so far in such a short amount of time ♥



And I've known you guys about as long as B2ST...except I remember liking you a bit more at first (now I love the both of you equally). Oh Yeah definitely caught my attention...maybe because Joonie was stripping his shirt off right in front of my young, impressionable teenaged eyes, and I realized the definition of "y". I remember being captivated with your strong dance moves and vocals...and Mir's bad-assness. :3

But anyways...it took me a while to really learn about you guys, too. It's not that I wasn't interested...I just never really paid much attention to learning the members, since I was naive and only had eyes for Joon and Mir. But I quickly learned that Seungho, G.O., and Thunder were all indespensible members of MBLAQ, and without them, there would be no MBLAQ for me to love.

I'm so incredibly amazed at your wide-ranged talents and all of your attitudes...especially working under the great Jung Jihoon. It must put a lot of pressure on you boys to live up to his standards. Don't ever discourage yourselves and your skills, because in just two short years you've captured the hearts of thousands upon thousands of girls like me.

So MBLAQ...happy anniversary to you as well. And yours is actually on time, if I believe. Thanks to Sharona's reminder, of course X3 ♥


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keke technically us in the states are all a bit late. beast had their anniversary 2 days ago in korea and mblaq yesterday. but yea for fan gifts you have to do those months ahead of time. which luckily i met the deadline for mblaq. i sent them a message and it'll be included in the things they got from the official international fansite yesterday!!!! plus its kinda cool when i share my birthday with mblaq's debut.
if there was a female mblaq i'd be so happy mblaq is one of the few groups without any labelmates i bet they feel only. joon you arent my first kpop bias because their were jaejoon and top and minho before you. but you were the one whos captured my heart from the very momemnt i saw you. i wanted to learn everything about you and your group. now my love for you is only rivaled by that of onew
MBLAAAAQ~ <3<3 I'm afraid of joon just a teeny weeny bit though XD love Mir though. ^^

Strangely enough, I had a dream that a female mblaq was coming out. O.O
I actually was connected to B2ST with their song "Oasis." It was their vocals that caught my attention and the sweet lyrics within it. My favorite line is "You make me fly and smile again~" Yoseob's vocals are really amazing :) Even so, Dongwoon's deep voice lures me in every time <3
Oh, MBLAQ I hooked onto after a few weeks. My little sister first saw the video of him and a compilation of other K-Pop idols (back in February; have no idea what the video's called now XP), and when I saw Mir's eyes, my heart stopped. They were absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't look away. It was impossible. So I went to the description box, picked one band that I DIDN'T know (cos I didn't know MBLAQ back then), and searched the video. My guessing skills came in handy, and I found the video. The tar on the body was what caught me off guard. It was friggin' y, I'm telling you. I hadn't seen anything like that before (not from SHINee, or any of the few TVXQ videos I had seen so far), so it interested me. Then came Mir and his rapping. Oh, boy, was I hooked! His fast rapping, deep, husky voice, and awesome dancing pulled me in, and BAM! I stakled them on Google and YouTube until I knew who all of them were. Well, not completely. It started with Mir, went to Joon. Then Joon was stolen from me by my bestie, so it's all good... I guess... My sister took Thunder for herself, but I didn't really care at that moment. She could have him. I eventually started liking Thunder and said to my best friend, Selena, "Don't tell Mandy, but Thunder and I are having a scandal behind her back." We both cracked up, and it marked the start to my ultimate K-Pop addiction.
Lol Donghae and Amet's bdays today^^
suju1375 #5
Its also Donghaes birthday right now just letting you know if you didn't