cry again

Im asking myself:" Are you useless?" This question has been bothering for quite some time. But it outraged juz now, because of an incident. I broke a bowl. My mum scolded me, said:"I know you'll break it. How come you cant even take a bowl properly?!" I cried. I hid in my room and refused to eat. This thought suddenly hit me: What am I good at? Scoring the highest mark at school and being told a Math Freak. What else? If this is a world without all those study stuff and knowledge, I could've become a know ntg people. What else can I do? Use my parents money? Im stupid. Im not a good people. I wont be one. I will remind myself one thing, Im useless and even a bowl is better than me.


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Tardisbabe #1
You have to stay positive. You can't just look at it and think what am I good for? We all have days like that.
I'll admit that I cried a lot for similar reasons while in college. Find something about why you like yourself and think about it every time you get the negatives going on.

I totally want to give you a hug.