A massive update on what's been going on during these past few weeks.

I feel like you guys have been deprived of me and my story, Beauty and the Beast as of lately. To be honest, school is getting the best of me (crazy, right? School is my top priority for once. Okay, that sounded kinda bad, but you know what i mean.) first, I was involved in a musical in which I played the piano for. And that required massive amounts of practicing (brings me back to the good old days where i'd get frustrated over piano sheet music) since I'm not disciplined on the piano (i tend to improvise a lot).

It was 'A Very Potter Musical' and 99% of the time it was gut-wrenching hilarious. I even got a robe and a tie to dress up for the occasion!

[my instagram has my dashing picture mueheheh]

What else?

Ah! I went to prom! It was so much fun hehehe. I went with my little sister and we partied it up so hard. Amazing night. Also on my instagram!

Lastly, I was busy with Market Day! My economics class each semester holds  a market day where we sell our products, teaching us how to manage money, sales, and other stuff. AND WE MADE THE MOST PROFT YEAAAAAAH BUDDY! Every group made a profit of about 6-120 dollars BUT MY GROUP MADE A WHOPPING 420 DOLLAR PROFIT! *punches fist in the air* I created coloring books that featured my school's favorite teachers! It was so awesome. and the stunning girl to my left is my best friend, Marie. hehe.

But watch out for more fanfic on the way! Angie Vo is back!


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oh my gosh you're back!
finally !! been waiting to update ur fic