You know what's funny. When friends in RL get pissed at me for nothing.

I think it’s the funniest thing! It’s funny how some friends in RL don’t understand you, whereas friends online understand you more. It’s hilarious! Really. So I have a busy weekend and I went out last Friday so I decided to obey my parents and just stay home for this weekend. And I guess some of my friends decided to get together this Friday to make a gingerbread house. So, seeing how I want to be the good child and plus the ridiculous amount of work load I have for one class, I decided to pass on the hang-out day. So one of them texted me today and asked me if I’m still hanging out with them on Friday and I said no, and guess what she texts back? “Tell you what, when you can actually do and have a life, get at me so we can actually do stuff. I’ll just have ***** over then.” LMFAOOOOO! If she’s doing this to guilt me into going that they always do… then you’re funny cause I’m not a ing weakling and honestly the text did nothing but make me laugh. I’ll admit, I was a bit mad at the attitude she gave me, just because I don’t call my mom a “dumb ” or disobey my parents who work hard to raise me, doesn’t mean I don’t have a life. It’s ing funny how she gets mad at the dumbest thing. And you know what?! I aint even mad. So I guess I win.


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YEP~ u did the right thing =D *high five* u go girl LOL
HelenaChi #2
DUDE. Kudos to you o:<br />
YOU DO WIN. Haha (:
i think you're right...<br />
you did the right thing! ^^