I'm leaking

Omg it's 2AM here right now and I just finished reading "absolute chanyeol" with ikemen boogie nights on repeat. I don't think I have ever cried this hard reading something. I'm going to be so swollen tomorrow but that fic was seriously one of the best I've read. I'm so emotional now I can't stop crying (leaking), I had to keep my hand in front of my mouth to prevent any sound from coming out omg that was so ajsdklajsd I.. I just.. ugh it was too awesome and sad :(

the thing is, I could really imagine Chanyeol as a curious, naive and innocent robot that was made for baekhyun. Omg I'm dying..

Why did I read it.

My current condition omg I can't stop crying I should go cool down my eyes 




I don't even wanna continue writing anymore I feel like i omg I get so over-emotional at night but omghsgh


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havw you read anterograde tomorrow? XD i bet you had.