Application for I SPY














"I am the eSCAPE ARTIST"


Username: elf_verl

Activeness: 10


 And You Are? 

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Birth Name: An Yonni

Alias: Shadow

Nicknames: Kitty

Ethinicity: Korean + American

Birth Place: America

Home Town: Los Angeles

Age: 18

Birthday: 13/11/1995

Blood Type: A

Likes: Cats


Lace and ribbons


Dislikes: Rich people

   Loud People

   Being Restricted

   Letting others get close

Fears: Butterflies

Being trapped

Being in a room with a lot of mirrors

Allergies: Flowers



Habits: She tends to space out when she is thinking about something.

~When she goes to a new place where she has not been before, she will check out all the possible exits.

~She always have something to do with a cat on her at all times, be it a brooch, earrings, or even book.

~She suffers from slight OCD, and have the urge to arrange stuff in order


TriviaShe cries very easily

She is petrified of butterflies



Languages: Korean









Just Other Info 
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FriendsJang Boram || Best Friend|| They met in the elementary school. Boram was always being picked on and bullied because of her small build, and Yonni took up the responsibility of protecting her.


Ulzzang/Model/Actress/Singer Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up's Name: T-ara Soyeon

Links: 1 | 2 | 3

Tattoos? Lock. It's on her lower back.

Piercings NIL


Scars NIL

Overall Appearance: She looks very innocent and cute, and nobody would ever suspect that she is an expert at escaping. She loves lace and ribbons, and would always dress up in either a lacey blouse, or dress.

PersonalityYonni's personality is just like how she looks like, gentle and sweet. However, she can be rather wilful and unreasonable at times, especially when someone tries to deny her desserts. A typical sugar addict, she is always very hyper, and loves to make new friends. On the outside, nothing seems to be able to pull her down, but deep inside, she is actually using the happy facade to hide from her fears. Fears that she will not have anyone to talk to or care for. Because of her restrictive childhood, Yonni suffered from kleptomania. She was also a terrible liar, sweating and stuttering uncontrollably whenever she did not speak the truth. It was a result of the harsh punishments that she received if she told a lie- Being locked up in the basement of her home for two days without any lights. With her mother being a skillful lawyer, the lies which Yonni told were always busted.

Background: She comes from a rich family. Father is the CEO of some property company while Mother is a lawyer. They are super strict with Yonni, and always forces her to follow their wish and whims. It is from this rigid lifestyle that Yonni developed a taste for escaping and breaking rules. 

Family History: Yonni escaped from her home on her 14th birthday when her parents tried to force her into an arranged marriage. She was disowned by them, and had never went back home since.

Family: An Kanghyun || Father || 55 || CEO || Very bad.

 Kim Yuri || Mother || 53 || Lawyer || Not on speaking terms

Lee Donghae || Adopted Brother || 25 || GM || On very close terms. He is the one financing Yonni's lifestyle after she left the family.

Love Interest: Park Leeteuk, Super Junior || 18 || troubled charmer


Back Up Love Interest: Lee Sungmin, Super Junior || 17 || Double Agent









Scene Request?: Hot confession scene!!!!





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