Keeper replying to some confessions in affconfessions

You know, why can’t I just write? Why do I have to be a perfectionist when it comes to writing? So maybe I made a few typos here and there. So what? Maybe I have horrible grammar. So what? Maybe my characters and plot are super duper cliché. So what? When did writing ever have to do with being a perfectionist? I just want to write!










You can't be perfect, no one is. So, yeah, just write because you want to. 

Then, edit afterwards. It won't hurt to read what you have written. Well, if it does hurt your eyes, use the spell and grammar check. 

What's the point of telling a story when your readers can't understand it?

Make sure you use the correct word, the correct spelling of a word, the logical order of words in a sentence and the correct verb tense to prevent you from telling a different version of your story.

Grammar, grammar, grammar. Obviously, I am not the grammar nazi here in AFF. But here is a tip: read your story aloud. Your ears will tell you if you something doesn't sound right. You could do this inside your head as well.



I really would like to see not-so-popular authors featured for fics aside from EXO and SHINee. What happened to Super Junior? DBSK? 2PM? :/






Well, unless we change the algorithm to look for fics with a few number of upvotes and subbies;

OR change the majority's preference;

OR have these writers write like those whose stories get featured,

not-so-popular authors will never get featured.

As for your question, they wrote EXO and SHINEE fics.

Haha. Kidding xD



Obligatory question mark?


It certainly has the required number of upvotes for the algorithm to choose it as the feature of that week.

And compared to a fact fic, an RP, and a poorly-written fanfic, the algorithm made the best choice.

Why? Go find out for yourself

Okay, I'll be nice. Because they show other ways of writing your stories, ways that are widely-accepted in real life. 

If your story somehow falls short of the conventions they listed, please bear in mind that they are not bashing or criticizing you. No one is pointing a finger at anyone. I would have taken down my first GD fic if I felt otherwise.


They are merely... suggesting... since they have no authority to order us what to do and they haven't exhausted all possible ways to write a story known to man.






There is little chance for those who made those confessions to see my reply. And even if they do, they might not agree with what I've written, just like some of you might be feeling after you've read this post. Eh, I can't do anything about that. LOL. I tried.

If you have reached this point, hurray for you. Haha! Here is your reward.






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no words can convey what I want to say haahahahhahahah