Got The Sponsorship!!!!

You know how there's a saying that a pregnant woman is lucky? Well, my team leader happens to be pregnant and happens to be the bearer of good news because... I GOT THE COMPANY'S SPONSORSHIP FOR NCLEX!!!!! YEEEEEEEY!!!!!! All 6 of us who took the assessment and underwent the interview passed <3 I am excited by the fact that our review will start at around May or June. I'm not exactly excited with studying. I just like that we'll be put in a graveyard/night shift which means night differential/money *____* and no more waking up early in the morning... Hehehe! I also like the fact that we'll only be working for 4 hours as the other half of the shift will be used for reviewing~ Another exciting thing would be going to Manila for a week until we take the exam <3 we're all close friends/batchmates so it's definitely going to be fun and at least we would all be nervous together too! Hahaha!! Perhaps I'd get a chance to meet manila aff friends? Aish... I shoyldn't think that far yet~ I still have to prove myself that I'm worth it with the review tests and such~ Still, I'm so happy today <3


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Congratulations unnie! ^^
Omai. Congrats! Swerteha jud nimu dah. Hihihi
congrats darling! hearing good news and seeing you are this much bright made me happy, enjoy your days and live happily ^__^
omg congrats :)))
while for me, i wanted to apply scholarship in my year, but my dad doesnt allow even though my grades are really high.
yeahh, so lucky kaau ka , naa kay oppurtunity ana! hwaiting! :))))
congrats u!!
happy for u too!!
hae_ki #6
awwww~! congrats jishu!!!!!!! :3
nya mg.nurse na jud ka ana?