Oh Gosh

I never signed up for this, so why is this happening to me?

Sorry guise, my family is just rly ed up...I just had to let it out here




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Sigh why are families so weird these days. I want a pair of sane parents. I didn't pop out on my own consent. Life is so ... Tiring sometimes. Sorry I probably typed nothing to help you. Stay strong and strive on. As always, one day, everything will be fine. One day...
I hope it get well soon!
what happened?
:) i know this is going to sound really cliche but youll be alright girl. Sometimes life likes to throw curve balls at us & it -.- but hey if you make if through those than you can make it through anything

Keep a positive heart!!! (even though its hard) positive thinking can do wonders

You kniw where to find me if you need me :) stay strong girl!! <3
u can talk to me if u wanna let anything out
i get pissed at my family a lot, since i have like 3 other siblings, my father is a mess, & my mum expects good grades from all her children
what happened? O - O
anyare dongsaeng? :<
what's wrong? D:
sebuff #9
What happened?