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Application Form

AFF Info:

AFF Account Name: deathbyboredom

Profile Link:


Character Info:

Name:Lee Akira

Nickname: Kir, Kira

Age: [16-25 . Not younger than 16]: 22

B.O.D:12th April, 1989

Birth place: Okinawa, Japan

Nationality: Japanese-Korean














Name of your ulzzang:  Jung Roo 

Style: Kira’s style is usually casual. She likes wearing loose Tees and shorts. Her party wear are usually dresses, and their lengths vary. Her usual party dresses are revealing, but she doesn’t care.














Personality:  Kira is a cool minded girl who keeps her clam and hardly loses her temper. She is the quite kind of person on stage and off stage. She is loyal and adapting. She gets used to all kind s of situations. She likes a kind of silence where she reads or does her work while listening to her favorite songs and no on disturbs her. She likes music too.  Her quiet nature tends to freak out people at times. she keeps a composed or serious face but smiles and laughs equally around her friends.

. Her motto is “Challenge and don’t have regrets.” On stage she is again quiet and thus is named the ‘Ice princess’. She never loses her calm which is the result of her spending time in solitary confinement even though others tell her to become more outgoing. She believes that a sinner can change but has to do a lot of struggle to gain trust of people around him or her. She loves junk food or short time snacks and caffeine added drinks or sodas.

Kira knows self protection and is a black belt in Taekwondo, making her lethal to mess with.

She has only one family, that’s her dad, whom she loves and cannot live without. She always urges her dad to get a girl friend and get married again, but he doesn’t. On stage she shows her best and thus she gets a charismatic charm to her ice princess like personality. To other’s she is a bit weird because she doesn’t use the word ‘Oppa’ instead addresses people by their names or by ‘hyung’. She isn’t really worried about her looks and usually stays in casuals.


Sliblings: Lee Donghae (Step Brother)

Family Past: Kira was born to a marine biologist father and a fashion designer mother. They married out of love at an early age and so after a year she was born. When she turned 7, her parents got divorced and her mother handed her custody to her clumsy father. She couldn’t understand why but then she heard her mother say that giving birth to Kira was one of her ‘biggest mistakes in life’. Since then Kira became a very quiet person always thinking that she’s a burden on her family. She tries her best to keep her dad happy and also urges her to marry another girl since he’s very charming and good looking.

Her mother remarried after a year, making her feel more hatred towards her ex-mom and now her mother has a son, named Lee Donghae.


                ·        Dim Lit places

·         Milk

·         Ice Cream (Only Chocomint flavor)

·         Chocolates

·         Baked things

·         Night walks

·         Winters

·         Technology

·         Sleeping



·         Sunlight

·         Summers

·         Cats (they hiss at her)

·         Babies

·         Irritating people

·         Sudoku

·         Getting up early

·         Sour Candies


Relationship Info:

Love interest: Choi Siwon

How You two met: Meeting Siwon was fate’s game. She bumped into him once, when she was a background dancer for a live perf. And then she met him again on their debute day when Super Junior was also performing. He saw how silent she’d always remain and then they met frequently by coincidence, soon became friends, and didn’t even realize that all they thought about was each other.


Dating or not: Not yet

Best Friend: Seohyun (SNSD)

Friend: Group members^^, Sandara Park (2NE1), Seohyun (SNSD), Yuri(SNSD)

Rival: Lee Donghae

He’s her ‘party hard’ step brother. He’s ruthless and very careless. He continues flirting with Seohyun which she doesn’t like, and the fact that they’re step siblings is enough reason for her to hate him.


Stage Info:

Stage Name : Ro

Position :

·        Lead Dancer

·        Main Vocals

Personal Fanclub Name: Popsicle

Personal Fanclub Color: Electric Blue


Silent Advisory

Charismatic Ice Princess

Singing voice:


 Password: This is me


Anything Else: well since I’m ur Co-Author..i have nothing to say…but yeah, if anything’s not correct just tell me…okay?


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