BIAS CHALLENGE. (Stolen from iLoveToSmile12) ;3


 One; Chunji.<3
 Two; Krystal. :D
 Four; Hoya.<3
 Five; ChangBum.<3
 Six; Zico.<3
 Seven; YoungMin.<33
question one - who is the best dancer between 6 and 10?  
Uhm, Zico & Daehyun??
I say Zico, but i ain't hating on Daehyun's perfectly fine dancing, I just think his voice is so perff.<3
question two - does 5 happen to look like someone you know in real life/remind you of someone in real life? CHANGBUM?! WOO EFFING CHANGBUM?! Yeah, if i knew someone who looked like him i wouldn't be doing this right now; rather stalking. ;3
question three - amongst 3, 7, and 8... who would you , marry, & date + why?
Hmm.. KwangMin, YoungMin & JinYoung. Uhm i'd 'fudge' JinYoung; i don't even know why, i just would. XD. I'd marry KwangMin & date YoungMin. WHY CAN'T I MARRY BOTH?! Life is just so cruel sometimes.
question four - what if 1 and 9 are in a relationship?
Chunji & Hyunsik? Uhm, i don't know if they met...well I'D PROBABLY SHIP. XD
question five - what do 2 and 4 have in common?
Krystal & Hoya? Well, they're both gorgeous, flawless, beautiful & talented. They're gender is not in common. :3 Uhm.. THEY'RE GOOD DANCERSS.<3
question six - if 6 and 8 were kidnapped by 3, who would do a better job of saving 6 and 8? you or 5? 
Zico & JinYoung being kidnapped by KwangMin. Hmm... that sneaky pikachu. Uhm CHANGBUM WOULD DO A BETTER JOB. MOST DEFF. But I love them all so i forgive you my Piwangchu.<3
question seven - how did you come to like 10?
Daehyun? Well he's one of my 3 biases in B.A.P. I think it's his fricking powerful voice that struck me. HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND FLAWLS AND GORG.<3
question eight - iest person in this list that comes to your mind immediately? 
ChangBum or Daehyun. Because they are naturally y kay.
question nine - amongst these 10 people, if you had to choose one of them to be your father, mother, brother, & best friend who would you choose?
Father;Hyunsik. Cause he could sing me lullabies. And i could show off mah dad. ;D
Mother;Hoya. He seems to know a lot about housework and he's kind and caring. :3
Brother;Chunji; I could tell him all my secrets. He seems so funny and optimistic.<3
Best friend; Krystal. She seems so fun to be around, protective, nice and caring.
question ten - do you have an otp in this list? YOUNGKWANG. Yeah, I know some of y'all are like ew. They're twins. How dare you ship. But a hundred mother truckers can't tell me nothin. (XD) I just love they're awkwardness, similarities, moments and personalities. Have you ever thought about loving someone you can't? You never know what kpop idols go through.
question eleven - if you were told to choose between 9 and 6?
Zico & Hyunsik? I think Zico. I dunno why exactly. He just seems so funnn. :)
question twelve - if you were told to choose between 3 and 7?
Are you serious?! KwangMin & YoungMin?!?! I should've put them at different numbers. -_- Uhm i can't pick. But if i were forced too... KwangMin i think. EVEN THOUGH YOUR PERF YOUNGGIE.<3
question thirteen - if you were told to choose between 8 and 5?
JinYoung & ChangBum? ChangBum; cause i'm going through a ChangBum stage right noww.<3
question fourteen - worst personality out of the 10? be honest, not everyone is a saint or angel after all. Uhm... None, You never know a R E A L kpop idol's personality unless you are close to them. You never know; they could be forced to say stuff. 
question fifteen - if 1 and 2 got into a relationship with a girl, which one would you be more jealous over?
Krystal & Chunji? Uhm No Krystal No. You belong to MinHo (or Myunggie.) ^_^ So Chunji. I LURVE YOU CHUNJI. DONT GET A GIRLFRAND I LOVE YOU.<3
question sixteen - if 4 wasn't a celebrity and wasn't famous and you passed by him/her in the streets, would you notice him/her?
Hoya? Yup. He looks so simple; it's craay. So simple he looks so cute. And i'd be like ooh you lookin mighty fine you asiaaan. ;3
question seventeen - if you were to take #5 and try to pair him/her up with his/her group members on this list ( if it's a solo, then someone else from the list ), which one of them would be the most unlikely to be paired up with 5?
ChangBum? Well I think maybe him & . Even though i ship him with L.Joe. :3
question eighteen - first name on this list that comes to mind when you hear 'badass'?
Zico. I dunno. He's just so effing rocky that he's cute.
question nineteen - which group in this list would #2 most likely be a fan of if he/she wasn't a celebrity and was a kpop fan? and what kind of fangirl/boy reaction would they have?
Infinite or Boyfriend. And fangirling when they breathe; just like me. ;3
question twenty - who would you like to get to know the most in the list?


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