XXb5(DoubleX b5) Application

AFF Username: Kimjade


Character's Name: Park Tae Jon 박태존


Stage Name: Jonny

 Age: 21

D.O.B: April 21, 1991

Height: 178cm

Weight: 65kg

Blood Type: AB   


ual Orientation: Bi


Position: Main Dancer/Musician 


How you want to look:







Ulzzang Name: Lee Chi Hoon


Personality: Dark, Stoic, Quiet, a bit of a narcissist.

He has never known love so he doesn’t show warmth to anyone. He is a good candidate for leader because his priorities are to take care of the ones under him the way he was never cared for. He is systematic about his responsibilities and never lets anyone down if he can help it. He’s a stickler for getting things done, and done right. He has a strange temperament and can only seem to get along with those of great understanding and humor. He’s stoic, and it is rare to see him smile or laugh. He is good on variety shows only because of his dry humor and swift wit. He studies hard and works even harder. He doesn’t want to let down the only place that has shown him care. He’s not a totally dark/black personality, as everyone thinks; he does have a deeply hidden side that want’s to care for others. He just doesn’t know how to do so yet. He likes the way he looks.He is closed off to others because he doesn't want them to find out his ual oreintation, knowing that they will demand he be ejected from the group. So he keeps his life under wraps and never lets anyone get too close.



Family Background: His background isn’t pretty so the company has covered it up mostly. He quit school to work after turning fifteen, when the foster family keeping him suddenly moved away abandoning him on the streets of Seoul. He worked at a night club illegally until someone found him being beaten in one of the rooms. That person happened to be a Director at Starship Entertainment and he got the boy into the company after hearing him sing while working at the club, before he was beaten for taking a customer away from another worker. He owes a lot to the Director that took him in against the company’s wishes.

He is smart and has a photographic memory so he studies on his own to make up for quitting school. He has gone back and graduated after joining Starship Entertainment and is currently working on getting his masters in Performance Arts and minors in Sociology. 



Relatives: No relatives known.


Training Background: He trained the hardest out of all of them. He had to do what he could to keep himself from returning to the life he had lead previously. Not only that, but he had made a promise to that Director that saved him, that he would become a perfect idol and strive for becoming known worldwide.

He was ostracized for the first two years because of his unique personality but after many trials within the company, and the group of trainees, they began to respect him and listen to what he had to say.

It was a grueling process but it was all for a greater purpose. He never backs down from a challenge after all.


☺Likes: Sour foods, Dedication/Hard work, His cherry red guitar, Reading/Studying, Swimming, Drinking Water, Keeping Fit, Fast cars


☻Dislikes: Sweets, Laziness, Childishness, Agyeo, Greasy foods, Clowns, The color Orange, Talking to idiots


♫Hobbies: Swimming, Composing music, playing guitar, cleaning his guitar, working out, Reading, doing volunteer work at the local orphanage as a big brother. (see he's not all bad)


•looks dead in the eyes if annoyed or pissed off

 •put’s his hands on his hips when about to scold, even scolds the manager

 •blows his hair up from his eyes if frustrated or fed up with someone/thing

•says bad words in English when he gets upset or talks to people in english to get them to leave him alone

 •smirks evilly/dark when he is about to do something that may cause harm to another person

(His eyes get all glittery and spooky and it sends chills down anyone’s spine that sees it)

•On stage he glares into the cameras, he has piercing eyes that send chills into the viewers

(They like it ~-~)


♥Ideal Type:
The Jo twins - Boyfriend
(He just wants to use them at first like all the others, but they have a way of warming even the coldest hearts)

Sunny - SNSD
(She may be cute but she has a temper as well and he thinks they will be well matched)

Kahi - After School
(He wants to tame her)


Reason why he's/she's your ideal type:
"They’re cute, they’re twins, what more reason could there be?"
(He's shallow like that sometimes)

 "She needs a good time, I think. And I'm just the fellow to give it to her." *Smirk*

"Noona really makes me want to be better, it's not just my sense of competition either. I want her to want me."
*Looks off into the distance and contemplates.*


♠Rival: Choi Siwon super junior. He has to beat him.
(Siwon acts like he did in attack of the pinup boys to Tae Jon and they will get right in each other’s faces)


He can fight really well because growing up like he did he had to protect himself and anyone smaller than him from bullies and other bad types.

He has street smarts and can talk anyone out of (or into) anything.

He has a Sharp wit and an even sharper tongue when insulting someone.

Rarely speaks unless spoken to, except when being leader.

His cold stare immediately disperses a fight between the members, but he only uses it when they are being overly annoying, other than that he stays out of things that don’t concern him.

He’s usually reading something, be it the newspaper or even a manga left sitting around. He likes to have something in his hands at all times and may even throw it at a member, or someone who is being super annoying, (like using agyeo or whining). But he won’t do it to hurt someone, just a friendly warning, you know? lol, As long as it’s not a hard bound book or a special edition.

He likes to eat apples, and nearly always has one. He tosses and catches it up in the air just to have something to do if he is bored, keeping his hands busy.

He is like Bi/Rain in a lot of ways pertaining to how hard he works and pushes the others to work for the group. He dances sings and raps twice as long as the others after practice is over. He wants perfection.

Friends with Suju's Kim Heechul and the Choco Ball's

Fluent in English and Japanese

Can be cute (uncontiously)



His solo project:


(He does the rapping himself too)


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