
Argh.... too much assignment. Can not sleep in peace for 2 weeks. T-T Don't have time to write next chapter of my ff although i always in front of the PC. I NEED A BREAK!!! This programming assignment haunt me day and night. And also meet yongguk in my dream last night and he remainded me to my assignment too!! This stress getting serious. DX


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I totally know how you feel. My dance final is on Tuesday and the rest are next week... I even dreamed that my French professor gave me back my test and it didn't even have a grade, all it said in big red letters was "NO!" And on the side "this test doesn't even deserve a grade".
So don't worry, you are not alone.
You got this.
Lol same here! :D I have a programming and database assignment too to be collected on next thursday and also a speaking test on the day after :3 Damn damn damn. But programming is fun actually :p Don't you think so? hahah
Btw, where do you study? Bc you come from Indonesia too, right? Err.. I might know your school~
Even you had a good dream haha :P ^__^
Haha =D... cheer up! ^_^ sooner or later your assignment will finish, ^__^... after, you're going to enjoy 100% when you have free time!! You'll feel very good! Fighting nnisarah!!! =D