20 years -_- no biggie

So i turned 20 yesterday :/ No biggie yesterday -_- Least all my Friends wished me Happy Birthday along with my mom and her boyfriend ^^ and My sister.
i just poked myself in the eye O-0 my eye hurts now TT^TT Well my mom got me A Boat load of Blue Raspberry Super Blowpops, Some Hello kitty stickers and her Boyfriend i call him Appa He Got me a Hello Kitty Eaephones(EarBuds, or EarBuddies as he calls them) they are Heavy for EarBuds O-O Damn!! I like them though ^^ not only that but my mom(Even if its used and Cracked to ing Hell) bought me a Ipod from my cousin :/ i need a new one though this one !!! HEY! my eye is starting to feel better now ^^ thats good. Thinking about Watching My Block B Nanrina M/V DVD's just to hear Kyung's Voice ^^  He is just so Adorable And awesome i Lub Him ~~~~<3 be awesome if He could wish me a happy birthday :[ he is Perfect. My Friend From Thailand Ya know what he is sending me for my Birthday OMG!! G-Dragon's autograph He is so awesome I love him. My Friends are so awesome and Nice i love them all -hugs you all- LOVE YOU ALL. MY Wifey I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
Ok i think that should Conclude my Blog for the moment >___> -looks at random Picture of Kyung- Perfect ^^ BAI


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Happy Birthday XDD
You´ve got a lot of presents,when I turned 16 this year they didn´t give me anything ;_; X,DDDDD