Application for The Secret Circle


Contact Information


AFF username; Alexpop

Link to Profile;



Name; Cho Kyuho

Age: 19 (international age) - I'm already legal in Korea

Date of birth; 02/09/92

Gender: Male

Blood Type: B





I'm the softie boy.

I'm basically what you guys either label as a diva or a flower boy. I'm very feminine but I have a temper. I love ordering people around and make them pay attention to me but I'm actually very lonely since my parents are always too busy for me. I love taking care of others. I get jealous easily and I love to do aegyo too. I can act and lie very well. I'm very high class but I will take care of those closest to me. And as much as I love myself, I will always put my lady first.

I'm an A class narcissist but I'm a real softie and I don't care who sees me cry. But if they hurt me or someone precious to me, it's going to be hard for me to forgive them. I hate being bossed around so don't even try. Oh, and I'm really good at things only when I put my mind into it. So if I don't feel like it, I will really bad.


  • Shopping
  • Coffee
  • Spicy food
  • Roses
  • Dogs
  • Sports especially swimming
  • Skinship
  • Mirrors
  • Alcoholic drinks


  • Heavy make-up
  • Sour food
  • Being late
  • Insects
  • Being ordered around
  • Smoke


  • Swimming
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks - I will find a reason for me too
  • Cooking
  • Sleeping
  • Playing music on the piano


  • Kissing people when I'm drunk doesn't matter girl or boy I will make their head spin with my mindblowing tongue abilities
  • Smacking people on the head
  • my lips
  • Walking out of the bathroom with just a piece of towel around my waist
  • Heavy sleeper




Partner: The Arrogant Bad Girl

Your interaction towards each other;

She thinks that I'm a gay guy that doesn't really know how to do anything but I know that deep inside she loves me a lot

Do you want to be already dating or not: not yet


Kyumin - 45 - alive - he works as a sucessful advertising designer

Sora - 43 - dead - she used to be a model working with my dad

Siblings I'm an only child


Other Stuff



I can tie a cherry stem into a know with only my tongue

I make a lot of y jokes

I flirt a lot even with guys

I can never see a girl cry cause I will do anything to make her stop because the last time I saw my mother was before she died and she was crying

Anything i missed? YAY! Can't wait ^^

Anything you want to tell me or say: Good luck ^^

Password FudgeyandPeanut


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TOPsHangover #1
omg...wooooow sooooo hot i wud so date that