Watch it...I mean SHAWOLS would agree with me if I said that they all rocked the concept of the music video *fangirling* 

1) Onew with that hair and smile and the part where he sat up after lying down *cuteness overload*

2) Minho with that acting skill of his and those hot expressions *melts* :DDD

3) Key and his diva-like acting when he put his hand on Taemin and his signature killer smile *~*

4) Taemin and his hat, he has became a man now :')... prefer his look here rather than on Dream Girl (no offence) just saying that he looks hotter and manlier here.

5) Where's JJONG??? :'( Be strong and get well soon Jjong... I imagined that he would wear black and white suit with intricate designs and maybbe geek specs or a hat?? SHINee isn't perfect without him, I mean they need their Dinosaur and lead vocal back :)


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