❝ 사랑해 ❤ ❞ riding this roller coaster called love ¦ Song Chanhee

Song ChanHee

Ride Operator




Username: xKawaiiNekoHime
Activeness: 8.5
*What should we call you?Baozi~~~ haha call me Azuma :)


Name: Song Chanhee
*Nickname(s): Chan Chan-called by her friends|Heeman-She is pretty strong :P|Asley-English|Aesook-Face name.

Age: 18
Birthdate: 03/04 (March 4th)
Height & Weight: 167cm|52 kg
Birthplace: Jeju,SKorea
Hometown: Jeju till 15, Seoul-current
Enthnicity: Korean


Ulzzang:Lee EunJin
Pictures: Gallery!!~
Backup Ulzzang: Emmy
Pictures: Gallery~

Style:  Tomboyish Sometimes as she hates girly girls!Before and After, Pretty Casual,Simple,Comfy types of clothes. Anything that she find comfortable was good,mostly the pale clear dresses suit her the best.It give her the 'innocent' look. But she still likes to wear few accessories that go with them.It makes her look 'Angelic' but this side is only near older people but her real style mostly revolves with dark colors in dressing.She likes giving the 'season' look. During summer, she mostly wears all bright or pale light colored dresses but During winter, Dark blouse,tops with skinny jeans or black dresses are also good. She mostly wears converse and sporty sneakers etc.there are occasions with sandals,flats,heels . Overall she wears what she wants and does not expect good or bad comments on her.loves lenses. (hyperlinked many thing..search for it :|)

                           Appearence:- Pretty pale in color and her face glows when she smiles.(not literally).Has Jetblack straight hair, with highlight of different color every day [1|2|3|4]. She has blackish Brown Eyes but she loves wearing lenses [1|2|3|4].No Birthmarks as such but likes to  draw tatoos with color markers when she is bored in class.

*Extra: none.



» She is just another ordinary girl. She Loves doing things that most other girls do.  She is really shy & quiet when you meet her for the first time, but as time goes on and when She become friends, She is quite much of a chatterbox. She pouts a lot, especially when she is disappointed, or when things doesn’t seem to be going her way. And whenever she is angry, She starts crying that very moment.She is quite a sensitive girl; she gets hurt really easily and take time to recover. But what She does love to do is, make people laugh. She loves to joke around, and you would almost never, find her in a serious mood. But she is a good listener however, and she also gives quite good advice. Also, She would do anything for her loved ones.She Loves babies,Kids and all small people (lol)She takes care of them like a babysitter.But she hates when they start crying,Bugging etc.She gets drawn to kids instantly.SongChanHee is sometimes a mysterious girl, always curious as to what things are, or how they are formed. She likes to wonder off sometimes, when she sees something interesting and would always ask, "what is this?", "what's that?". It sometimes annoys people, especially when they don't know the answer. She likes to and wants to know everything, and this habbit has been with her since she was young. Other then her strong sense of curiousity, she's actually a friendly and funny person. Making people smile and laugh is her speciality. Sometimes, when she's bored, she'll even google up some jokes to present to her friends the next day.She has a super sweet personality.She can be Cold sometimes but thats what old people call younghood.She always feels that she can have some need of freedom.

Gets Personality disorder sometimes.She wont let you have peace.She jokes aroung being the sweet Person she is.She knows when to work hard and when to let it all go.She makes the atmosphere happy, and knows stressbusting.She is also a huge trouble maker, when she has the emo-style of hers,She will grab her Electric Guitar and play it LOUD.She can be a real big prankster.Theres not even 1 person who has not been pranked by her.She is the queenka types..natural leader,but not arrogant, she is kind,helpful,social. She loves playing Video Games its like Life to her.She loves getting presents. Apart from to COOL-COLD-Non talkitive behavior of hers, She actually is A warm person with a golden Heart.She was given this title when her school mates found her on the streets, singing and dancing for an orphan who played the Violin and gathered money in the streets.


» Cooking

» Ballads,R&B,Rock music

» Bubble Tea

» Astronomy

» Blue



» Coffee

» Pressure

» Bullies

» Rich Brats

»Revealing dresses

»Loan Sharks


» Biting Nails when nervous.

» Stammering when embarressed.

» Cursing in english when angry.

» Cheeks and ears turn pink when blushing.

» Kicking abjects like soccer player

» Pouting during Deep thinking.


» Black Belt in Karate.

» Corrects other peoples English.

» Has A puppy named Pluto.

» Former school Queenka.

» Loves All shades of blue.

» Loves Astronomy.

»Allergic to Tuna.

»Has a secret Tree House Behind the mansion.

» Is in National level for best video gameing.

» Can Sleep for 12 hrs if needed.

»Eats like a pig

»Has all colours of converse.



» Living in Jeju,Born to a Rich Hotel owner and a Housewife, she always dreamt of being a singer, a professionalperson.Was a strait A+ Student and could do whatever she want.At age of 14 she went to Seoul, wanting to prove her disaprooving family that she will be famous.But dispight being talented,she never had a chance to be accepted and then she gave up her life.But then she read a manual hiring educated teens for  Job in an amusement park.Too make a living she got accepted to work and so she did.She was trained on how to operate rides and then,learnt about all of it.She was an ideal Ride operator since she had all qualities for it.She brags about good things alot,and sometime, just sometime forgets few rules and let people enjoy the rides as they wish.And also surprises the attractioon with different styles of gaming rides. etc. wonder why she dint just go back to her family? thats because she is very persistant and could not face them with humilliation.Her pride and self respect took over her.


»Mother[Song Jaehee||43||house-wife||Loving,Sarcastic,Resposible,Caring||they are very close.She shows real motherhood to her children.]
»Father[Song ChanJun||45||owner of Expensive hotels||Strict,Calm,Negosiative,Funny||not as close as the mother and daughter.But deffinitly not ignoring.He was the main protagonist in disaprooving her dreams.]
»Sibling(s)[Song Chanyeol||12||student||bubbly,acceptive,Responsible,Socialible||very close noona-dongsaeng and will do anything his noona wants and visa-versa.]

Best Friend: 

» Food Manager-Always kind enough to get her water and stuff.


» Lotty
» Store Cerk
» Lorry
» Ice-Skating instructor
» photographer
» Greeter
» Waitress
» Talent Agent
» Security Officer



Position: Ride operator
How? she read a manual hiring educated teens for  Job in an amusement park.Too make a living she got accepted to work and so she did.She was trained on how to operate rides and then,learnt about all of it.She was an ideal Ride operator since she had all qualities for it.She brags about good things alot,and sometime, just sometime forgets few rules and let people enjoy the rides as they wish.And also surprises the attractioon with different styles of gaming rides. etc. 
Why? Fulltime Job but she still does arts university. She cant go back as she has self pride which takes over her, anytime she thinks of her family.
Feelings? At first,she made many mistakes during training period but she really did hard work and then she is now a professional.
Ideal Job?  Idol. (explained before)

Favorite Idol Group:  Vixx,EXO,B.A.P [Vixx-She really liked the singer N and also how he dances. she learns thier dances alot.|EXO-She really likes Baekhyuns voice and Also how Luhan looks so cute when he is like the second oldest.|B.A.P-Sheloves thier music and learnd Zelo's LTE rap from all songs and wants to rap it to him sometime.]
Ultimate Bias: Lee Taemin-SHINee
Ideal Type: Fair guys,With cute Bangs with color highlight and guys almost older than her. Mungsoo types.

Be Mine

Love Interest:  Kim SungKyu
Age: 23
How you know him: When she heard '60 seconds' via her firend,she fell for his snuggly face and nasal voice.
First Meeting: Bragged on about a ride he is scared of, and especially took care of his safety and went slow.
How you interact: he takes her as an aquaintance, just a ride operator. But she tries to act like she does not know him and act as if he is no idol.Well,Her pride and self respect is against it.
Anything else you want to add?  She dosnt like  him in real life since he gives no importance to other people. and only his friends.She calls him 'The Snuggly One'
Back up Love Interest:  Himchan-B.A.P



Comments:  done with I-Pad so sorry for typo's. Awsome plot...too many applicants T_T but im the first ride operator!!! YAY!!
Scene Requests:  Icecream Kiss-Snuggly one Snuggling-He is so angry that he pushes to a wall and stels her first kiss! [omo...so cheesy, huhuT_T]
Password:  [Lotte] [World]

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