Struggles with the ending of my fic and some side stories~

Soooooooo, i like FINALLY completed the first of the two KaiSoo fics i've been working on the past month! :3 

Gosh, it took me so long to write the ending although i know how exactly i wanted it to end. 

Maybe next time i should work on the endings first? idk? Because when i worked on my previous KaiLu oneshot, i worked on different parts, creating little chunks as the idea's flooded my brain and then i stringed them up in order. Basically, i had my ending done while i was halfway though the story and i just filled up the gaping space in between to connect the whole story/ plot together. 
This time, i really wanted to make sure i worked on my fic in order. Although when i was done (minus the ending) i actually re-arranged it :D 

Sorry if i sound super complicted when to you working on a 5k one shot is as simple as a snap of the finger.


To me, 5k is an ACHIEVEMENT! Really! So yesh, i'm proud of my work. T__T (minus my uncountable errors and taking into account that this is my very second completed fic)

I may still be lacking in many various areas, yes no doubt. My work may be far from being anywhere near eloquent or satisfactory to begin with, but i'm proud that i finally found joy in writting.


I basically grew up having a dislike for writting narratives /stories (ohhh but i loveeeee reading stories and poems!) during my schooling days because I DON'T KNOW HOW to produce one. The first and last time i chose to write a story, i got a B for my English! :O Although, to be real honest, my work deserved a C. No lies!

I still remember my work. And i basically struggled to let the words flow and complete the word count. Do you understand the misery i went though? T__T [ My bestie on the other hand wrote an effin 3-page love story okay! like wtf? My teacher adored her work, if you minus her typo and grammatical errors wich were definitley laugh worthy >.<] Even i questioned myself, how did my teacher succesfully read my horrendous piece of work without shedding tears of blood. 


So yes, with this, i would like to thank all those awesome authours out there whom i've enjoyed their magnificent pieces or work. They inspire me and *poof!* the inner writter in me is born! :3 Who would have guessed this day would arrive?


Now, presenting you with my 2nd completed one-shot! ::

Melted Cheese and Marshmallow Flowers~


Okay, so if any of you read this whole lengthy wierd post of my, seriously, congratulations! :3 Thank you very much for your time and attention :) 





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