Ladies Code and Blue Vela

I totally love Ladies Code *_____*  They're all so pretty, y, and talented~ I like their choreography and I like the songs and also the costumes~  I don't know why but I'm kind of drawn to Ashley.  RiSe comes close second and the rest is close third. Hahaha!! I really do like them all~ ^^  RiSe kind of reminds me of Kang Sora for some reason if I look at her from afar. Hehehe~


Also, I ended up watching this drummer girl in youtube drumming to y Love by T-ara.


I gotta say~ She's pretty talented.  I wonder why she's just going solo and not being in a band.  I looked at the side bar thingy and saw more videos of her. She seems pretty popular.  Oh and I'm not sure if it's Blue Vela or Vela Blue @_@ The name is used interchangeably in different video.  Here's one more vide of her drumming to Poker Facer.


Now, let me go back to watching another live performance of Ladies Code~ XD I prefer their live performances because I could see their choreography. I don't like ther MV much ^^;;; I guess their MV is the only thing I don't like much about them so far~ Hahahah!!


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Bad girl <3
She's drummed to Gee, Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) and Sorry Sorry too. I found them on YouTube ^^ there might be more, but I couldn't find any other kpop ones :(
shaspirity #3
i really love Ladies Code too!