1. My lips swell when I sleep...Like niels from Teentop. 

2My bones crack when I walk. always. forever.and ever.I can't tiptoe or sneak up on NO ONE because my bones crack on my feet when I walk. e-e; IDEK WHY. IDEK IF THIS IS NORMAL. But it just does.LOL If you could hear a skeleton walking- that's what i sound like. 

3. I have a bee phobia. I scream and cry when I see one. like full on cry. for real tears.

4. I'm very agressive in the mornings, Waking me up = instant death. e v e;

5. I would say I have a split personality.lol. If you met me in real life you wouldn't recognize me. I glare most of the time and I'm rude and not very friendly. I'm very cold and not emotional. Online I turn into jello. LOL IDEK WHY I DONT UNDERSTAND EITHER OKAI.

6.I love my online friends too much, e v e (HAEEEEE AND ALICIAAAA) <3 <3

7. I'm scared of the letters printed at the bottom of hotel pools. I DONT KNOW OKAI I JUST DONT KNOW.LOL

8. I have very unstable body temperature,VERY UNSTABLE. I can just heat up-fever temperature in a few seconds. Just randomly idk...

9. I don't like drawing but I draw anyways, because I have no other way of expressing myself.

10. I dislike teenagers VERY VERY VERY MUCH(even tho i am one). and children. idk why...for teenagers...they're just very complicated, and irrational.   children...same thing.

~ v ~ I should be working on my fic....lawl.


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