Make me fall in love~ (CLOSED)

yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm writing; I'm writing. xD 

I have a challenge for you guys: find me a song that I'll automatically love.

Here are the rules:

1. It has to be something I haven't heard yet.

2. I have to fall in love with the song

3. Song has to be sung in Korean or Chinese


You'll get 5 karma points if it meets these three rules.

Think it's easy? Think again. xD I only know of ONE song that this has happened to me before.  Oops, I forgot about NU'EST again.. it's two guys, not one xD

Everything else, I was like "Ehh, it's okay" or "O_O what the hell is this ? MOVING ON~"


Have fun~ I'll let you know if you made me fall in love or not xD


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How about Home by Tablo?
Omg, I know this is closed but I had to recommend these songs to you:
Jay Park - Joah
INFINITE H - Special Girl
INFINITE H - Without You
Sorry if I bothered you ^^'
fy1004 #3
U-Kiss Doradora?
fy1004 #4
LOL I hope you like Boyfriend's Boyfriend :). I fell in love with it after the first few seconds <3 dem twins <3333

I don't know what the song's name is, but it's mandarin i think. Here's the link:
Darzyy #6
If you're into rap and what not, I also recommend Baechigi - Shower of Tears

Its not full rap, its like 1/3...rap :/

But yeah its featuring Aliee
Darzyy #7
What kind of music do you like though???
I know a lot of great K-Indie songs for almost all genres D:
Weell, since you mentioned NU'EST... I really enjoyed MYNAME - Message, yeah its not indie but it was stuck in my head for sooo long lol.
Buuuut for you probably already heard that, for K-indie, I SUGGEEST anything by Glen Check (Try '84', 'metro', or what ever is in the drop down menu) I also recommend Gogostar - Runway ... I am in lloooohohoove with Gogostar gooo and love them tooo~~~
No Japanese??? Darn :( ok, how about Deep Sorrow by Shinhwa? I love that song, and it's an older song (they were still signed to SM at the time, I believe) so you may not have heard it.
depends on what you've heard already ^^
I absolutely love Miss Right from Teen Top right now.
And ofc EXO K - History. You can also check out SHINee - love's way, that's my fave song from SHINee.
Kyoko72 #10
K.will - love blossom (? I think that's what it's called)
Yisabel - wing of magic
rainingcho #12
曾沛慈- 一個人想著一個人
This song seriously is my all time favorite :p
Just paste the name to the search bar c;
Big Bang - Monster
try to read the lyrics the meaning is so deep~
Lee Hi-Because or Lee Hi-Rose