Story Update and Organisation

  • A Million Wishes

On hiatus because of lack of interest on my part. Started off as a great idea, but the undeveloped story-line drove me to boredom. This story needs to be revised and re-evaluated before I can start writing it again, hehehehe ^^

  • Oppa, You're A Fashion Terrorist

Under construction hehehe. Started as a thread of dirty thoughts. Going to be a drabble and oneshot compilation of Sunggyu&OC moments. Mostly ty but with fluff. Probably won't include any angst, but might include one or two just for interest's sake.

  • When Everything Changed

Again, just another thought. Very excited to write this since I've practically planned out the whole story; chapter from chapter. I just need to think of a reasonably good ending before actually starting it. I don't want this to be a repeat of 'A Million Wishes' and not finish the story because it was undeveloped.

  • Idol One-Shot Cafe

Current mostly dedicated story compilation. There are about another 9 stories we are planning to write; half of which are already planned. It is open for suggestions, so feel free to 'Order' a one-shot ^^

  • Family Formation

Another planned story. This is also planned. I've finished planning almost every detail; from characters to number of chapters and words. Plot is cemented and ending is already planned. Probably would be my longest finished story EVAR. Or not, it depends lol. But will definitely be my first long story when finished. Anticipate this one, I like it and I think a lot of people will too ^^

  • G.L.O.E.

Not a story. This is a profile information 'Wikipedia' for fictional characters living in my fanfiction. They are set characters that will be making numerous appearances in my stories. They are also 'borrowable' but with permission from me. Almost finished. A few chapters have already been finished and templates for the rest of the chapters are installed. I just need to write in the specific information and finish off the 'look' of the page.

  • One Sentence Theme Challenge

A challenge fic with 52 chapters, technically 52 sentences. This is for personal purposes. Just for me to improve my writing, which I think is actually helpful ^^

  • Training To Love You

A previous story I deleted because of story complications. This fic is off AFF and not on my profile. However, I still want to write it. So, I will be re-planning this story and re-writing it, then putting it up on AFF once more.

  • Dating Infinite

A co-author in this story with iLoveYu. This story is being planned and therefore not in production yet. It is an interactive story and would be up soon; as soon as we finish the plot and the twists and the links -_- so much work.


I didn't actually realise how many stories I'm juggling at once.. It's crazy. I don't think I'll be able to keep up with this. Actually, I KNOW I won't be able to keep up. Just bear with me, ok? I promise the ficts will be writeen in no time and people will actually be able to read these. Don't worry, I'm working hard ^^ 


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