100 Real Facts About Me


100 Real Facts About Me
(stolen from MeckieQue, thanks!!! ^^)
1. Real Name: =i'm gonna wuss out and skip this one, sorry ^^ if i could, i would but i'm really compelled not to=
2. Nicknames: Inkie, Tsuki, Bobby, Doll
3. Zodiac Sign: By the new zodiac, it is Ophiuchus, otherwise go with Sagittarius. By lunar method, I'm a Libra.
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: Done
6. High School: Done
7. College: Almost done... almost... but in my career, you are like never really done with college... you can keep on studying till you die =sobs=
8. Hair color: Black
9. Tall or short: Short - 5' 1''
10. IM or email: Email
11. Skirts or Jeans: Jeans (because I go around on a bike... otherwise I would have definitely gone for skirts)
12. Phone or Camera: Camera
13. Health Freak: Kind of - I'm more of a skin freak and weight freak - even if that comes at the expense of a bit of health, I guess?
14. Orange or Apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Kpop celebrity? YES!!! Otherwise, nah~
16. Eat or Drink: Drink
17. Piercings: 6 - 3 in each ear 
18. Pepsi or coke: Neither~ 
19. Been in an Airplane: Yes, and hated it to bits each time
20. Been in a relationship: Yes, and hated it to bits, too -_-'' 
21. Been in a car accident: No, but then I don't use a car. I have a bike and I've gotten into quite a few bike accidents -_-'' Yes, bikes are dangerous but GOD I LOVE THEM <3 <3 <3
22. Been in a fist fight: Other than my younger brother? Just a couple of times but then I was less than ten years old~
23. First piercing: About 4-5 years of age? God knows, it's tradition in my family so they made me get one and now they don't even remember when they did that! What a family -.-
24. Current best friends:  Ummm... the internet? Lolz, I don't have any~
25. First award: Something academic - I've had too many academic awards to remember now -_-''
26. First crush: I vaguely remember the face of this person and he was a neighbour and I don't even remember his name now ~_~
27. First word: My family doesn't remember =_=
29. Last person you talked to in person: My mom~
30. Last person you texted: My brother~
31. Last person you watched a movie with: A friend, E~
33. Last movie you watched: Don't remember ;____; It's been ages since I watched a movie!
34. Last song you listened to: Block B - Nilili Mambo
35. Last thing you bought: A packet of tissues
36. Last person you hugged: My ex =_=
37. Favorite Food: Hot n Sour Veg Soup!!!
38. Favorite Drink: Cold coffee with ice-cream *_____*
39. Bottom or Top?: Lolz, what's this? I wanna say I can go both ways just to kind of... you know, not be a wuss but I'm like 101% bottom... I'm so much of a bottom I'm ashamed of admitting I'm a bottom =cries=
40. Flower: Ummm... Rose~ Lolz, I don't know many flowers >///<
41. Animals: Cats, Puppies, Turtles
42. Color: White, Black
43. Movies: Keith, The Love of Siam, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
44. Favorite subject: Bleh, I hate studying. If I had to choose... General Knowledge~
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put 'X' in the brackets if yes)
45. [] Gotten Baptized.
46. [] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] Had your heart broken.
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone question your ual orientation. 
51. [] got pregnant. 
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] Did something you regret.
54. [x] Broke a promise. << chiefly because i don't even remember promising things 
55. [x] Hide a Secret. << too many... i should put down like 1000 x's in this box -_-;;
56. [] Pretended to be happy. << i don't pretend. i wear all my emotions on my sleeves like an idiot. i'm an idiot.
57. [x] Met someone who changed your life. << Like Animanga changed my life and then Kpop - both have influenced major decisions in my life!!! And this has to count more than any person!!!
58. [x] Pretended to be sick. << too much xD
59. [] Left the country.
60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [] Ran a mile.
63. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend. << Went to the beach? Yes! With best friend? I've never had a best friend so this doesn't count, right? I'm my own best friend, hmph.
64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends. << always, always... i'm always arguing with people because it is SO HARD for me to keep my frigging mouth shut =sighs=
65. [x] Hated someone. << lolz, yeah, and ed at them, too 
66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year.
67. Eating: Nothing~ I had a handful of cashewnuts and walnuts couple of hours back, though
68. Drinking: Nothing~ Had some water after I ate the nuts
69. Listening To: B.A.P. - Oneshot
70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: I never have any plans =sighs=
72. Waiting for: C.A.P. to kiss Niel in public. Please. Like everyone except C.A.P. has kissed Niel in public or tried hard but C.A.P., why don't you do it? T________________________T Is it because you already kiss Niel in private too much?
73. Want kids: No >///<
74. Want to get married: No way =_= 
75. Career: I was gonna write "No" here but you need a career to earn your bread, so ummm... lolz, yeah, I'm working on my career =sighs= 
76. Lips or Eyes: Lips
77. Shorter or taller (your spouse): Taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic 
81. Hook-up or relationship: Neither? Prefer hook-ups!
82. Looks or personality: Both -_-'' Lolz, I get attracted by looks but don't make the move till I get to know the personality. Sometimes the personality wins over looks, so I guess... personality~
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Broken? YES, TOO MANY TIMES! Lost? No.
84. Snuck out of the house: Yes. In the middle of the night. Actually, at 2 a.m. in the morning. Don't ask. Yes, I came back home alive. Yes, without my parents finding out. I'm sorry =sobs=
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No =i wish=
87. Broken someone's heart: Yes... one.. two... I think quite a few... more than three... I don't know... =_=
89. Cried when someone died: I can't seem to cry when people die... just clamp up and lock myself in my room and come out a few days later.
90. Yourself: Sometimes.
91. Miracles: Not really... sometimes?
92. Love at first sight: Yes... it hasn't happened to me, but I think it happens to other people~
93. Heaven: Not sure... sometimes
94. Santa Clause: Yes... =sobs=
95. on the first date?: Depends on the time, place, person, situation... if all clicks, then why not? :3
96. Kiss on the first date: As above ^^
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Bang Minsoo aka C.A.P.... actually, I'm with him right now - as his CAPtive Angel ^^ I'll always be with C.A.P. - and Teen Top - as their Angel ^^
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Frankly, no =_=
99. Do you believe in God: Sometimes
100. Post as 100 truths?: I just did :3


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