Are you really an elf? Are you really a shawol? Are you really a part of fandom?

According to you, what kind of criteria you can use in order to call yourself a part of fandom?

Because you love the members even you don't know their songs? 

For example, if i love SHINee, i love Onew Jonghyun Key Minho and Taemin but i don't love their songs, can i consider myself as shawol? Or if i don't know their schedule, can i call myself as shawol?

Is it a must to be perfect fans to claim yourself as a part of fandom?

I just want to know. Hehe (^_^)


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haneulsky97 #1
then,i'm not a type of that fan but i label myself as exostan.i don't care about what others think about long as i love my idol
I call myself an ELF, simply because it what SJ calls their fans. I am a fan, a supporter. I don't like all their songs. But I respect them as artists. Right now, I choose not to label myself as an ELF. It is already bad that I don't buy their albums, but I no longer listen to them anymore nor do I watch their variety shows. I am not updated with their activities. And I haven't been to any Super Show. I follow them on twitter but rarely take time to read their tweets. The only proofs I have left of me being an ELF are my fanfics and my hope that they stay healthy and happy as they live their dreams.

Well, if you like them, not as an artist but as a person, on a deeper level, perhaps you are a different kind of fan. Fan of their lives? Lol.