Going Crazy over G-DRAGON!!!!

GD's new MV is AMAZING!

I've been going crazy over it for hours!

He's slowly creeping over my TOP bias in Big Bang.

He may even overtake Heechul one day....,

Wait, nope that will never happen.

I mean just look at this precious man.

No one can beat him.


HERE's the MV


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xXJaZzGoOgLeXx #1
Mu~ At first, I didn't really like the song. Well, because it's like really typical for G Dragon and I just needed something more melodic or slower for me to handle. But then the second time I watched it, I was like "GD, why are you ruining my bias list?"

Kyuhyun is my one and only, so our situations are a bit similar.
At first I was like, WOAH, dude that's just insane and I couldn't understand most of the words ( Even though I'm full Korean . . . >_ >; ) But it was still interesting and GD was adorable XD
He is so cute!!!! I love when he pout he loos like a baby!!
Lol I watched GD's video for the first time yesterday and I loved it. It was really silly and random, but it wouldn't be GD if it wasn't! XD
Hahahaha first like 30 seconds I started to laugh
It scared me

But i like the song though ><~
lol, the MV was CRAZY! It was even crazier than Crayon and I never thought that was even possible
Can't watch the MV due to VERY slow internet!! TToTT