I Don't Understand + Update

Okay,  I honestly do not understand. Why is everyone taking AFF so seriously?!

Is this turned into a damn competition? I mean, everyone is constantly begging for votes or comments or something. I mean, I can see where they are coming from (they want to be popular), but the most subscribers I have for one story is 9. That's it. 

Plus, the whole fan fiction confessions tumblr pisses me off. I mean, come on guys. Making anon hate messages about writers on here isn't cool. I saw one that said that one person unsubscribed because someone didn't update their story for a week. Who knows what could've gone on in that writer's life? Something tragic, maybe, and these people have the nerve..

UGH. Especially when I see one about someone who I happen to be subscribed to. They're lovely, but these anons.. It's not cool. Stop. TT_TT

I like to read. I like to read fan fiction. I like K-Pop. I like to read fan fiction about said K-Pop bands. 

That's it. 

I don't want a billion subscribers. If I get up to 10, I'm flabbergasted (SUCH A GOOD WORD.). Calm yo' , everyone. ;)

IN OTHER NEWS, I really have horrid writer's block during the day and I write SO MUCH BETTER at night, so I'll probably crank some new chapters out tonight, seeing as it's Friday night. 

Do you guys enjoy 'Blame It On The Alcohol'? I'm enjoying writing it and I feel like I update that quite often. New 'Sun Shines in Seoul' chapter soon. I haven't really been writing that one.. Sorry. :( 

I keep talking about writing another fan fiction, but I think I want to wait until I complete another one. The one I'll probably complete first is 'Dream On, Dancer Darling'. I've written 19 (I think) chapters on my computer, I just need to proofread and post. It'll be soon, I promise. After I finish 'DODD' (which I'm thinking about 65 chapters.), what do you guys want? B.A.P fan fiction or U-KISS fan fiction? Up to you guys. 

Have a great rest of the week + weekend and I'll update soon! Until then, stay beautiful. 

My apologizes for a looonnngggg blog update. xD

Shoutout to yugifall for being amazing. DID YOU GUYS SEE SHE'S WRITING A YOUNGJAE ONESHOT. Girrrrlll~ I'm beyond excited. He's my bias xD (Yongguk, though. He's up there.)


-Emily xx


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OMO YOUR NAME IS EMILY!?!? :O HOLY CRAP xD That's my name. I feel we're like one step closer to becoming like sisters O___O That's so weird xD In anycase, I understand where you're coming from. I just ask for your guys upvotes/comments cause it makes me happy :\ It's not like I beg for them. ._. Like, if I don't reach this many votes I'm gonna stop writing. Nah...that ain't me :p I'm astounded that I have as many subscribers as I do and I'm like new to AFF. I feel so loved and I'm really thankful for it <3

And I'm somewhat done with the Youngjae fan fic. I just have to type it up. I'm not sure if it'll be out cause I have to update Stranger and my Kpop Review, but expect it at least this weekend ^-^
Yeah.. that blog is really upsetting, isn't it?