Application for Girls Rule~


=Contact Info=

AFF Username: MBTupan0721

AFF Profile Link: Here

How many times your online: I online atleast 2 times per day and if I'm not on I am probably busy^^


=Character's Info=

Full Name: Park Min Rin

Nickname: Bianca (English name), Minnie~

Date of Birth: July 21, 1996

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Age: 15

Ethinicity: Half Korean- Half Filipino

Hometown: 6 years in Busan then moved to Pasay, Philippines

Languages Spoken: English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Tagalog(fluent) and Japanese( Conversational, she isn't fluent)

Height: 169.5 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: AB

Appearance/Ulzzang: 1 2 3 4 5

Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha


She is straightforward and  she is very humbled. She is quite shy when she meets new people and can be really stubborn towards anyone in particular that she is not close to . she loves eating a lot of cakes but, she still manage to keep her body fit and healthy . She is very irresponsible and lazy at times. She likes to be called Bianca instead of Min Rin, because she got use from people calling her by her english name and she also hates her name, though people find her name cute.

She can be cold and talk harshly when she is mad. She's also very easy going and friendly to everyone, it doesn't take her alot of time to adopt to her soroundings. She always has a bright smile on her face giving the image of a sweet and quiet girl but she actually has quite a sharp tongue. She hates eating shrimps and seefods, except fish, because she is allergic. Min Rin is a smart girl and takes every work seriously. She is not the type of person that gives up easily, and she is willing to do everything for her love ones.

Before Debut Picture: here

After Debut Picture: here

(There isn't much different though, hope it's okay^^)

=Family History=

Family Members: Father and Mother

Father: : Park Han Sung                              

Occupation: Bussinessman

Ethinicity:Full Korean

Languages Spoken:English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Tagalog(Conversational)

Mother: Carol Santia

Occupation: Housewife

Ethinicity: Full Filipino

Languages Spoken:English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Tagalog(fluent)

Siblings: Only Child^^

Family History/Past: 

Min Rin's mom was a bussinesswoman and worked with her father, they made a perfect team and fell in love with each other, despite their different ethnicity. They moved to Korea and got married, when Min Rin turned 6 years old they moved back to Philippines for bussiness porpuses, when Min Rin turned 11 they decided to stay at Korea. She became a trainee under SM Entertainment, despite her father's objection.

There was a time when she actually felt the sadness and felt the loneliness. That was when she was only 7 years old. When she was younger than that, her nanny would play with her and occupy her and make her happy. But at age 5, her parents think she is all grown up so they fire the nanny since they don't need her anymore. Songee is of course sad that her nanny left but over time, she got over it. When she was age 7, it has been two years since her nanny was fired and she had no friends. She was homeschooled by a private tutor. He is from Australia and he is very strict and boring. Songee hated it but she couldn't do anything about it because she doesn't DARE to complain to her strict and powerful parents.



Dorm/Training Styles:  1 2 3 4  5 6

Casual STyles: 1 2 3 4 5


Formal STyles: 1 2 3 4

Beach Style: 1 2 3

Club Styles: 1 2 3 4

Hair STyles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

Hair Color: Black and Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Trainee Background

How you discovered:

She loves singing and she has won various contests, she also dances great.....MIn Rin was at a contest called XXXXX and after the contest she won 2nd place at dancing and 1st place at singing, backstage while removing her make-up a talent agent offered her to become a trainee. She became a rainee under JYP but left after1 year, she became a trainee under DSP for 2 years then, became a trainee under SMent. 

How Long you have trained: 5 years

Trainee Experience/s: JYPent- 1 year

DSPent- 2 years

She appeared as a cameo at the drama 'Full House'

MC at Mcountdown and

A commercial model for Etude House

School: Homeschooled^^


=Stage Info=

Stage Name: Bianca

Position: Lead Vocal

Main Dancer

Jack of All Trades

Persona: Cake-face Vocal cheeky

Personal Fan Club Name: Icing(hahaha!! I love cake)

Personal Fan Club Colors:    Azure   Black

Singing Voice: 1 2

Dancing: 1 2 (on link 2 the short girl^^)

Rapping:1 2

=About You=

Likes:- Cake





-Learning new things

Dislikes:-Annoying People


-Drinking too much(alcoholic drinks)

-Bad Mornings

-Color Pink





-Pranking other members

-Listening to music

Habits:-Brushing/fixing hair every 10 minutes, even if it's not messy

-Drinking too many water when nervous

-Jumping up and down when excited

Trivia About you:

-bloodtype AB

-Playful but harsh

-Min Rin is a total bookworm

-She has poor eyesight, she wears glasses when not on stage

-Allergic to see foods, except fish

-Must eat cake, atleast once a week!

Favorites: -Cake!

-Color Black

-Pop music

Dream Bed Room: HERE

Dream Walk-in-Close: (what is this?)


Ideal Man: Cute and full of aegyo, has a great eye-smile and very playful. Persistent and doesn't give up easily, and will do everything to make me smile~!
Loveteams: DongRin Couple
Ex-Boyfriend: none
Partner: Shin Dongho
Friends: members of the group, Kevin(U-Kiss) and Amber( F(x) )
Best Friends: Krystal(f(x)) 
Rivals: UEE


Why should I pick you for this fanfic? *shrugs* molla~ XDD I don't really know...maybe because I want this to be the 1st apply fic that I'm in? ^^

Any Idea for Girls Rule Fan Club Name: Rulers of the World? (LOL I'm not creative at making fanclub names)

Any Idea For Girls Rule Fan Club Color: PlumLime 

Any Idea For Girls Rule Fans )Name:

Are You applying to Become a Member or Manager: Member^^

Any Idea for Girls Rule Fans cheering paragraphs: GIRLS ROCK~! wooo!! GIRLS RULE~! 


=Anything Else?=

Tell me if you want me to change anything^^ and what is Dream-Walk-In-Close?


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