One-shot Request @ Moonlight Request Shop

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Username: Iefa_San [You guys will be doomed if you both don't know me....]

Characters: Since Gurei already did 2 one-shot for me about Ikuta Toma, I think I will ask for LEE JOON x ME!

Short description of characters:

Lee Joon

- 19 years old.

- diagnosis with cancer (any cancer, I couldn't think of one)

- dorky, mischievous, but still nice. 

- optimistic, he tries hard to live though he knows he will not live long. He believe in second chance

- his dream to be a great painter/artist. He really likes art.

- Be friend with Jangmi and soon likes her


Shin Jangmi

- 18 years old

- diagnosis with brain tumor

- nice, shy, introvert

- pessimistic about her disease. She always thinks she will die soon and she really afraid of it.

- really awe by Lee Joon activeness though he is sick. Soon, she fall for him.

- She dream to be a singer but she never had the confident.


Genre of story:  Drama, Romance, Sad


Setting of story: Mostly in hospital. Maybe you can some other setting for the ending.


Plot of story: Lee Joon and Jangmi meet when they are admitted in the hospital. Lee Joon is diagnosis with cancer  and Jangmi diagnosis with brain tumor. They meet by accident when Jangmi goes to wrong toilet. Jangmi was in men toilet and only realise when Lee Joon was in there. Jangmi vision is not really well, that is why she goes to wrong bathroom. It's embarrassing for Jangmi when she realized it but Lee Joon make it a joke and it comforts her. After that they become friends. They do some mischievous things in the hospital. The nurses and doctors having headache when they heard Lee Joon and Jangmi's names. One night, Lee Joon takes Jangmi up the hospital roof. From there, they talk about their past and the first time they talk about life and death. Jangmi said she was scared if she will die soon and she also afraid if Lee Joon also will die. Lee Joon promises Jangmi that he will try the best he can to live and make Jangmi promises the same too. Soo, Jangmi goes to surgery. Will the surgery succed? Will she still alive? Or will Lee Joon still there to see her?


- SoddForNever@Gurei, I choose you! Get in my pokeball now!

- For the ending, I let you to decide. I don't mind if someone dying, both dying or both survive in this story.  It's up to you. I give you the freedom. Just make it romance and SAD.

- Any critisim? Hurm... Why we must post the request from our blog? I don't really like it. LOL

- I think that's all? But if you think my request is not complete, please tell me.




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