Bias Time ;D - taken from LimaLemon

list ten biases in no particular order.
then answer the questions.
one; Ok Taecyeon
two; Kim Jaejoong
three; Luhan
four; Lee Donghae
five; Jung Daehyun
six; Kwon Jiyong
seven; Choi Seunghyun
eight; Nichkhun Horvejkul
nine; Lee Taemin
ten; Nam Woohyun
question one - who is the best dancer between 6 and 10? no doubt G to the D, Kwon Jiyong :D
question two - does 5 happen to look like someone you know in real life/remind you of someone in real life? i'm sure there are people out there that look like Daehyun, but haven't seen them yet, i wish i could find them though, but i highly doubt it since HOW can anyone be so adorable and gah ...... <3
question three - amongst 3, 7, and 8... who would you , marry, & date + why? I would date Luhan, but ing him and his pretty face, just no and marrying him means growing old with him, but i can't imagine that sorry, I feel like he is too pretty for that. But for TOP strictly for ing, i mean have you seen his body (damnnnnn....:P, no hard feelings though bro) Nichkhun definitely date, marrying, and ing material, seriously he is just everything (but not going to do that to taec <3)
question four - what if 1 and 9 are in a relationship? please hells no, Taecyeon and Taemin, my current and my ex(this reminds me of we got married, first taecyeon and guigui (which guigui annoys the crap out of me) and now taemin and naeun, waeeeee (-rants-) but seriously let's admit there is no way in hell taecyeon and taemin will be in a relationship, they have more of a dongsaeng and hyung relationship.
question five - what do 2 and 4 have in common? well they used to be in SM, when Jaejoong was in DBSK, they definitely have the looks and they are both really really great vocalists.
(aww... yunho, jaejoong, and donghae, soooooo cute <3, miss these days)
question six - if 6 and 8 were kidnapped by 3, who would do a better job of saving 6 and 8? you or 5? GD and Nichkhun were kidnapped by Luhan (wait a minute? Luhan you naughty boy -tsk tsk-) Daehyun or me.... First of all i think GD could do his own saving with all the swag that he has, and nichkhun (if all else fails, he is buff and has muscles so he can fend for himself), going back to the question though, ME (no im just kidding, I would probably be in the background just there) so definitely i think daehyun will be a lot better than me.
( seriously look how much swag he has, can't tap that!)

(I mean look at this, seriously! compared to this
(so you see yeah no comparison)
meanwhile this is Daehyun
(oh daehyun, how much i adore you~)
question seven - how did you come to like 10? you mean the greaseball known as Nam Woohyun, i don't know actually but he was the first guy i knew from infinite, besides Kim Myungsoo, but that is a different story ( thanks LimaLemon and OnewSarang!) but thought he looked good, but i never knew this...before.........
question eight - iest person in this list that comes to your mind immediately? one and only ultimate bias OK TAECYEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME FOR Y DANCE AND PICTURES (FEELS!!!!)
(yyyyy time, i wish that girl can be me  -.-)
(oh HOT damn.. this is just too beautiful, gah!!!!!!! MARRY ME and BE THE FATHER OF MY BABIES, Y LITTLE!! TAP THAT ALL DAY EVERY DAY!)
while this is me........
(yeah that basically describes me :P)
question nine - amongst these 10 people, if you had to choose one of them to be your father, mother, brother, & best friend who would you choose? Father: Nichkhun, Mother (Kim Jaejoong, do i really have to say more?) Brother (it's a tie between Donghae and GD, both i think will be amazing but protective brothers!),  Best Friend (Luhan or Taemin, either one is fine)
question ten - do you have an otp in this list? GD and TOP best OTP there is seriously <3
(to me, whenever someone says gd i think of top, and whenever i says top, i think gd <3)
question eleven - if you were told to choose between 9 and 6? Taemin, definitely <3 don't worry i still wuv you GD
(teach me how to y dance hehe ;D look at those body rolls and work those hips ;D!)

question twelve - if you were told to choose between 3 and 7? Luhan or Top
question thirteen - if you were told to choose between 8 and 5? Nichkhun and Daehyun
(I'm sorry daehyun)
but Nichkhun wins
question fourteen - worst personality out of 10? be honest, not everyone is a saint or angel after all.  even though they look like angels but personality matters more than looks and they are real , but the one that i think may is jaejoong (who is a person more than a pretty face <3)
question fifteen - if 1 and 2 got into a relationship with a girl, which one would you be more jealous over?  BOTH, no don't do it!!!!!!!! lol just kidding (i <3 you taecyeon and jaejoong), but probably taecyeon, since he has been my bias longer than jaejoong

question sixteen - if 4 wasn't a celebrity and wasn't famous and you passed by him/her in the streets, would you notice him/her? Yes i would actually, I would be like who is this good looking, handsome man <3
question seventeen - if you were to take 5 and try to pair him/her up with his/her group members on this list ( if it's a solo, then someone else from the list ), which one of them would be the most unlikely to be paired up with 5? Jung Daehyun and GD, no that isn't happening, i can imagine him as daehyun's sunbae but that is it, since their style is different, i have a feeling it migh t get awkward between them
question eighteen - first name on this list that comes to mind when you hear 'badass'?
TOP seriously he is the definition of BADASS
(look at his gun literally!!!!!! damn he is a bad boy, but a y one)
question nineteen - which group in this list would 2 most likely be a fan of if he/she wasn't a celebrity and was a kpop fan? and what kind of fangirl/boy reactions would this person have?  I think Jaejoong would be more into rock bands like FT Island, I know for a fact that Taecyeon, Nichkhun, and Woohyun would be fanboying over girl groups :P
question twenty - could you ship your best friend with 7?
LIMA BEAN and TOP, whoa i approve, but TOP i am warning you she is very very hard to handle, first hand experience here :P


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TOP is Aiteeee :D but yeah I am a femme fatale :D