sailor's diary: ii.

In which Elly will write down her ships, and what they mean to her.

Dear Diary,

today I've seen a gif of my OTP laughing and being happy. And I can't help but loving it too, because these two are just so nice.

And I love their laughs.


I wonder what they're laughing about. Maybe it's the fact that they've heard of MyungJong? Ohh, sailor heart, why are you so cruel to other ships? Or because Myungsoo wears pink? Or because Sungyeol wears this ridiculous blue thing on his head?

I don't know, but I love their laughs, I love their chemistry and friendship, and I love seeing a moment of my OTP.

I talk to you later,


Sailor Elly


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Maybe they're laughing about...
SY: We had them fooled, didn't we?
MS: Yeah, they thought MyungYeol was a real ship, how absurd!
SY: I know man, I mean why would I even *chuckle* when I have Woohyun *chuckle*...
Sorry, couldn't resist lol.