Aero application

Park Hyo-mi







It's Me !

AFF Username and Link :zoeyhanson101

What i call you ? : zoey


Hello ; Hello

Name :Park Hyo-Mi

English Name :

Age : 22

Blood type : a

Birthday : 19. 01. 1991

Birth Place : busan

Home town : busan

Ethnicity : chinese-korean

Languages : mandarin and korean fluent in both

Height : 157 cm

Weight : 52 kg





Who are you ?

Idol Name : CL (2ne1)

Pictures : 1| 2 |3 |4 |5

Back-up idol name : Yubin (wonder girls)

Pictures : 1|2|3|4

Style : hip hop and tomboyish

Extra : No





It's all about you

Back Ground : As a child Hyomi grew up with out her mother, she loves her father and her protective older brother very much as they have always been there for her. as soon as her mum left; Hyomi, her dad and brother moved to Busan (her dads home town). growing up her brother did not like Hyomi to date as he felt like his precious little sister would have her heart broken to many times.

Hyomi knew that when she was old enough she wanted to become a kpop idol, her whole family backed her up as she tried to get into the entertainment business all though she failed most of the auditions, her family backed her even more, they even paid for private dance, rapping and singing lessons. even though she was trying her best her dad was starting to give up hope, Hyomi continued to pursue her dream.

Personality : As a person Hyomi is easy going, determined and hardworking. As a friend she respects all members and friends like they were her own family. Hyomi tends to get hyper really easy when her and a friend are playing around. Hyomi also treats other people around her with respect and will try to assist with anyone that needs help or assistance on anything even if the advice she gives can sometimes have the opposite effect.  

On-Screen : out going, friendly and mature

Off-Screen : out going, friendly but verry clumsy

Likes :

  • sleep
  • food
  • perfume
  • shopping
  • animals

Dislikes :

  • people waking her up
  • bad tasting food
  • video games
  • messy rooms
  • bed hair.

Hobbies :

  • taking photos
  • sleeping
  • eating

Habits :

  • talks in her sleep
  • forgets what she was just about to do

Talents :

  • rapping
  • motivational speaker
  • dancing

Trivia :

  • wears minimal make up
  • gets quite messy
  •  blue eyes
  • loves her blanket
  •  loves her group mates like daughters/sisters
  • she gets colds quite often
  • does not take well to physicly being sick.

Biggest Secret :





Now about them

Family :

Dae-Ho | shop manager | 24 | careing, protective, funny

il Kwon | Buisness manager | 53 | careing, reliable, posotive

Best Friends :bora | Fashion Desighner | 19 | bubbly, funny and cute | Hyomi and Bora have been like sisters since Hyomi was 12 years old

Friends : Jae-ho | 19 | game company character designer

Rival : you choose i do not know who my character would be a good rivals.





My Baby <3

Former Lover :

Crush : Kris | 22 | kind, passionate |

How did you guys meet ? : they met when exo met Hyomi  when Hyomi was training for auditions, so every day Hyomi was training he would come in and help her.

How do you treat each other? : although Bora is Hyomis best friend Kris is always around to help cheer Hyomi up, practice and have a laugh.

Back-up crush : Tao |19 | kind, passionate and protective|

How did you guys meet ? : same as chosen crush

How do you treat each other ? : same as chosen cruch

How do want your story to un-fold : could you choose.






Just You ^-^

Trainee years : 3 years and 1 month

How was your trainee life : one word Tiring

Pre-debut info : was the lead female role in Taeyangs I'll be there

Stage Name : Hyomin

Persona : the Derpy leader

Personal Fan Club/Color : could you choose the name and could the colour be caribbean blue

Position : lead rapper, leader, vocalist

Back-up Position : lead dancer, sub rapper, vocalist

Group : Aero-M


[Mark X on what you want to do solo]

[] Model


[] Sing

[X] Act


[Mark O on what your character is less good at]





[] Talking [in public]





Now your Gone !

Past Scandels ? : none

What Scandels you want to happen ? :  none

Comments ? : none

Anything esle you want me to know about your character? : she has a fear of heights and having her heart broken

Debut Song Suggestions : hasta luego by Tahiti

Scene/Plot Request : debut stage with EXO supporting them.

Password :


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