Just a Question and Some Pimp Juice


Just opened a review shop :) Check it out?
Um... if I open up a graphic shop, is there anyone willing to work with me as staff or co-author?  That's the only reason why I'm so hesitant to go through with it, because I don't really want to open it up and become overwhelmed.  Just asking :)
/hides in my burrow/


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I'm sure many people would apply on your shop! And I'm going to wait for your shop... that means more spazzing of your poster xD
Omg me too! Like..I been practicing on my skillz, watched alot of tutorials and stuff and I wanted to open one but then I was like "WAIT! WHAT IF I DO BAD?! OHMYGODDDD." /: But I would work with you! I been working on graphics for a couple of ..erm..months..

I know. I'm a loser, haha :P

But I think I could be a good co-author! I'm good at english (first language, fo sho! That's not english there..lol). But I mean I don't mind really haha :3