Why torment my small brain and my little heart?


I was off day yesterday because I had fever. Only ONE DAY.  But, when I come back to work today, I got tons of works!




Why did my boss torment by brain? I have to read tons of script and proposal and when I'm busy, that's when people decide to UPDATE their fics!




I think I'm going crazy because I was like smiling when I read fic then become serious when I do my work then screaming while reading fic(over excited) and sighed while doing my work... Yes, people... I'm bipolar....


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Work work work~~~~ work for money! haha
Don't be lazy unnie! chaiyok chaiyok chaiyok!!!!! LOL xDDD

About you getting tons of work that is :P I shall speed up that oneshot! *salutes*
Awww I'm sorry ><