100 Questions

I'm doing this because I'm bored. Sorry to disturb you guys :D (Got all the questions from the internet. Too lazy to make my own)


1.What type of music do you listen to? (Genre, artists, songs?)
- Mostly Kpop but if it's english then Jonas Brothers, David Guetta, Victor Kim, Joseph Vincent, Dubstep! etc.

2.What cheers you up?
- Food!

3. What do you constantly think about that, either makes you sad or just anything?
- My love for someone

4. Is there something you constantly lose at your house or anywhere?
- My wallet. Especially when there's a lot of money in it. It just disappears then I'll find it when I don't need the money anymore.

5. Do you have a favorite book or read much? Why or why not?
-I don't read books that much because I read in the internet

6. What is the longest you have gone without sleep?
- 2 Days.

7. Do you have anyone you go to for advice? In person or online?
- Yup. 2 of my friends, my cousin and my mom

8. How old are you?
- 14

9. Is there anything I should know?
- This is the reason why I'm doing this right? For you to get to know me?

10. What do you order or not order at a restaurant you have been to or never been to?
- My mom usually orders for me whenever I'm not familiar to the food.

11. What is your favorite word? Least favorite?
- Poop. I don't have a lease favorite.

12. Describe something that's happened to you for which had no explanation.
- I farted. :D [I don't get the question haha]

13. Why?
- Why what? o_O

14. What did you do for your latest birthday?
- My family and I watched a movie. 

15. What holidays do you celebrate? Are you a religious person or not?
- A lot of holidays ;) I am :D

16. If you had to be named after a city, state, or country (etc), which would you want it to be?
- None. I like it just the way it is :)

17. Who is your hero?
- God <3

18. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
- what the hell is a thesaurus? o_O

19. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
- Nope :3

20. Have you ever tipped a cow?
- Nope.

21. What's the sickest you have ever been?
- I get diarrhea a lot before. I didn't get to go to school for a week and they had to do tests on me and stuff. Nothing serious though.

22. Are you still learning who you are?
- Yup.

23. Are you afraid of heights? Or what are you afraid of?
- YES but I like wall climbing :)

24. Have you ever taken dance lessons? Who would you want to dance with?
- I haven't but I'm a dancer. Quest Crew, Beat Freakz, IaMmE, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Amber and Taemin. 

25. What is the most memorable class you have ever taken?
- Character Development :3 because we learned about Love <3 hahaha

What's your favorite knock-knock joke?

27. What is your favorite commercial?
- I hate commercials though.

28. If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be? 
- TAEYEON!!!!!! <3 

29. What is your favorite breakfast food?

30. Do you like guacamole? Have you ever been in a food fight? 
- Not really. I haven't yet :((

31. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
- Ahh, this question :)) My mom always gets mad at me for buying Albums. I spent like thousand on them.

32. What is the weirdest thing about you? Are you proud of it? 
- I dance in public when I'm bored. I'm a dork. Yes, I'm proud of it :D

33. Ever been in love with 2 people at the same time? Do you think that's wrong?
- Haven't been inlove. Say whatttt?! It's true.

34. Ever had any relatives in jail?
- ... not that I know of :O

35. Glass half full or half empty? Or is the glass just malformed?
- the hell? :)) 

36. Mountains or the beach? View, or the tv?
- Mountains. View of course!

37. Plain, train, or car? Boat, subway, or teleportation device?
- Isn't it supposed to be Plane? haha :P I choose Train since I don't ride it that much. Teleportation device!

38. If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
- I don't have a job though..

39. Ever sold/donated your blood? If you haven't do you want to?
- Nope. Sure, so I can help people who needs it :)

40. Crowds, small groups, or "Go away, I'm a loner"?
- Depends on what mood I'm on. Mostly "Go away, I'm a loner" though. I think.

41. Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far. Have you recovered from it?
- I don't really have those moments though. Sorry :D

42. What famous person do people tell you that you most resemble?
- When it comes to attirude/personality, Kim Taeyeon. I'm everything that she is. [I didn't copy her though. I just found out that we're alike. It's unintentional] Except for the height though. I'm tall xD

43. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
- I don't actually remember. I eat a lot of strange food :)) 

44. If you could bring any person back to life, who would it be?
- Tiffany Hwang's mom. 

45. Do you believe honesty is the best policy?
- Yup but I don't follow it that much because I'm harsh when I tell the truth. I tend to hold back because I might make people  cry.


46. What is your favorite color?
- Red and Blue.

47. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with? Who would you least like to be …?
- Kwon Yuri ;) Lady Gaga. Gosh, I hate her.

48. What do you think Victoria's secret is?
- I don't really care what her secret is.

49. Which cartoon character do you resemble the most?
- I don't know. You tell me.

50. Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes? Or a week without changing your clothes but be able to bathe.
- the latter.

51. Which of the four seasons do you most love? Or Hate?
- I love the winter season :D

52. If you could choose your method of dying or where, what would they be?
- I'd like to die because of old age. Like you just stop breathing so it wouldn't be painful :)

53. If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose?
- Some tv show that has Girls Generation in it :))

54. List someone you know, and describe them in 5 words.
- BelabellsShe's my classmate. Beautiful, Fun, Trustworthy, Short and a Writer :) She's my writing buddy! 

55. You can select one person from history and have them truthfully answer one question, who would you select and what is the question?
- I dunno. I don't like history :)) 

56. If you join the circus, what would you perform?
- The pancake :))

57. Ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?
- Ugly and live forever. I'll use my personality to make up for my face :)

58. You discover that your wonderful one year old child is because of a mix up at the hospital and not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?
- Of course! I'd like to raise my own kid.

59. Would you be willing to lie to a court for a close friend if it meant saving your friend from going to jail for life?
- I would but it depends on who it is and what they've done.

60. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?
- Nope. I hate bugs. Bleh 

61. If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could torment them for a day, whom would you choose and how would you torment them?
- Lady Gaga. I'd preach God's word.

62. Do you feel that children should be sheltered from unhappiness?
- Yes?

63. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen?
- Jesus being alive. I'd like to see him :)

64. If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick and what would you do? (Live in the body temporarily or permanently?)
- I've always wanted to live in Taeyeon's body. Temporarily of course. I would check if Taeny's real and talk to Tiffany in straight english :))

65. If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be?
- 18 since all of my crushes are near that age and I'm legal! Kinda.

66. What question do you hate to answer?
- this one. :))

67. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- the biggest burger ever made?

68. Where do you go to get on a computer?
- my room?

69. How do you start a conversation?
- Hello

70. What keys on a keyboard do you not use?
- {} but now I used it because of you -_-

71. If you had a brainwashing machine, who would you use it on?
- Gongchan and tell him that we're married 

72. You are walking home in the dark, you see something move. What/Who is it(guess)? What do you do?
- It's my dog. I'd wonder why he's outside the house and scold the maids for letting him out.

73. What is the strangest name someone has introduced themselves as to you? What is their real name?
- They tell me their real name so I don't know :)) Weird question.

74. Where were you 3 hours ago? Do you think someone was stalking you?
- I was sleeping in my bed. Nope but before there was someone who stalked me. She was like in 5th grade? I was a highscool freshman. I didn't know who she was.

75. Have you ever eating a crayon, or glue? Or what strange thing have you eaten?
- this question again :)) I remembered though! I drank zonrox. I almost died :D 

76. Is there anything purple within 10 feet of you? What is it?
- Yup. My sister's room is purple.

77. When was the last time you bought something? What was it?
- 2 days ago. It was stick-o :)

78. Are you wearing socks right now?
- Nope.

79. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
- No :(( I miss watching movies!

80. When was the last time you ran/went for a jog?
- Does the treadmill count? If it does, 2 days ago. If not, like a year ago? or two? I don't really go out just to jog cause we have a treadmill. 

81. Your dream vacation? Worst vacation? Best vacation?
- My dream vacation would be me being with my family, B1A4, Quest Crew, IaMmE, Girls Generation, F(x), Miss A and Shinee. Worst vacation? None. Best so far is when my parents got married again at Bohol and almost all of my family is there. Mother and Father side.

82. Worst injury you have had?
- I cut my hand when I was a kid. It left me a scar :/ that counts as an injury, right?

83. What do you want to know about the future?
- I'd like to know if there's gonna be flying cars :3 and who my husband is gonna be and if I'm friends with Taeyeon and Amber or not.

84. What was the last picture took of you?
- Eh? Wrong grammar! Hahaha Uhm.. I think that it was two weeks ago.

85. Do you know any big gossipers?
- Yup. Some of my classmates are.

86. Have you been pulled over by a cop?
- Nope. I don't know how to drive :((

87. Have you ever had a girl crush?
- Yup. A lot of times :))

88. What have you always wanted? Did you ever get it?
- I've always wanted an iPhone 4. Yup. Got it last as a birthday gift from my parents last year :)

89. What you have faked being sick so you wouldn't have to go to?
- wrong grammar -__- I get the question though. School. I'm an expert at that :))

90. What was the last lie you have said?
- I don't rememberrrrrrr

91. Have you ever danced in the rain?
- I have. Don't judge me!

92. What is your blood type?

93. Have you ever been in a car accident?
- Nope. Wouldn't want to be.

94.  What was your weirdest prank call that you have made?
- I told my best friend who has a crush on me that I had a boyfriend. She congratulated us and hanged up :)) 

95. Best compliment you have received?
- I have pretty eyes.

96. Do you trust anyone with your life?
- Yup. God :) 

97. What is your greatest strength or weakness?
- Love. It can be both my strength and weakness.

98. What is your perfect pizza?
- Having bacon and cheese in it is perfect! <3 

99. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
- Why the hell can't I sleep straight? Woke up like 5 times in the span of 3 hours -___-

100. Do you get along with your family? Why or why not?
- I do except for my sister and dad sometimes. Well for my dad, something happened to him that made him change his view in everything and it gets really annoying whenever he wants us to change. For my sister, she doesn't use her brain that much. I'm serious. She can be so wreckless at times that it makes us all mad at her. But if ever someone hurts her, you would have to get through me first. I will not hesitate to fight for her. 


So that's it! Thank you for reading this long blog. It took me an hour and a half to actually finish this. If you have some questions to ask me that wasn't here, don't hesitate. Just ask me :D ^^ Byeeeeee




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