y Asian Vampire Apply Fic?!


Enjoy the picture while I tell you about the next project I'm going to do on AFF. I'm going to do as the title of the blog says a y asian vampire story. The catch being that the story is an apply story much like Ideal Boyfriend where you tell me the basic traits you like in your man and what kind of problems your character usually faces......all that typical mumbo jumbo. I had started a vampire series (an original story) offline but my boredom has reached it's peak so now I open that world up to you members of AFF. I have three of my stories that I will focus on (my band apply fics and Crazy) while doing this because I have mulitple stories so I can work on something else when I get bored but with no vampire fics on here it's weird for me to work on human stories then go back to a vampire story.

Now that I have talked your ear off, this y asian vampire story will be an apply fic and it will not have any idols in it.




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