Okay I have the funniest story to tell, so after school today my friend and I were walking around the mall just shopping around. We went to the food court and had something to eat, so we were eating and talking. Since it is 2nd day back of school and it was previously holiday's my best friend went to America as an exchange student for a couple of weeks. This is my first time seeing her since she has come back because she was to jet lag to come to school yesterday. Anyways she was telling me about her host family, the family she had to live with and she said the first thing that they asked her was something every Australian gets when they aprouch a forigner, "Do you guys ride on Kangaroo's or do you have a pet kangaroo?" 

anyways, I asked my friend what she said and she said that she simply replied by laughing and collapsing to the ground because she was laughing to much. "Why?" I asked. and she simply replied with, 
"Because it reminded me of 8th grade camp" She replied. It was then when I started to break out into laughter with my best friend remembering the great times that happened in 8th grade camp (now we are both in 12th grade).

So in the year 2009, the whole grade 8 went on a camping trip for the school, during the night activities we played a game called spot light on the oval of the camp sight. Spot light is a game played here in Australia where its only played at night, its like a game like tag where the person it has chase the others but with spot light you have to play completely in the dark. The person it has to chase people in the dark but the only way he/ she can tag someone is by putting a spot light on them with a flash light. 

It really is a fun game, but it being it because its so hard and you don't really know where you're going because its meant to be played in a pitch black area. Recently the game spot light has been banned as its dagerous, a couple of years ago my school went to the same camp site got was playing spot light and and a girl manage to step on glass, she did not see the glass because it was really really dark. So the teachers banned playing it at the camp site, but the whole grade begged and  begged to play it as thi is like our childhood game. All 200 of us in the grade even wrote a letter to each of the teachers to try an convince us to play. The teachers got tied of us complaning so they agree to play it after dinner. 

So after dinner here we are playing spot light in the dark, we were given three rules, 1) you mus be wearing some kind of footwear at all times 
2) You have to be careful of you suroundings 
3) You aare prohibited to pass the bushes (Our camp site was located in the middle of the bush lol!) as this was also the camp site rules. 

My best friend and I kept together the whole time but after an hour of playing the teachers decided to keep it more fun as they decided to make 10 people up for tag. So now it was like a riot, it was pitch black and everyone was running everywhere, so my friend suggested to hide behind the bush but I said will get sent home. She said we won't, so I followed her. 

Hiding behind the bush was probably the most stuppidest thing we have ever done in our lives and trust me we have done so many stupid things. To get to the buhes we had to run across the oval which gives a a big chance to get caught, but we risked it and ran through anyway. We ended up runing as fast as we could as we could see a spot light about to touch as but luckily we hid in the bush just in time. As we were waiting I was on a look out to see if anyone notices us as I hear the most scariest scream of my life, I turn to my side and I see my friend on the ground. 

"What happened?" I asked as I bent down to her, she was crying and holding her stomach at the same time. 
"I just got kicked by a kangaroo!" She yelled in pain as all of a sudden people came towards us. 
"What?" I asked laughing, not beliving her as a teacher came by and carried my friend on his shoulder. 

As the teacher took my friend to the fist aid room and announcing the end of the game of spot light I look into the even darker forest and saw a kangaroo hopping in a distance. So my friend wasn't lying, she was actually kicked by a kangaroo. Untill this day I still found this funny, as people always asks us Australians if there are kangaroo's roaming around our country, the answer is no. But what made it funny was the fact that my friend got kicked by one because we were in the wild hahahahah. I know it wasn't funny but it's a have to be there moment, 


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Oh God. I can't stop laughing :))))
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I really laughed so hard :D
I was silently reading but when i read the part :I got kicked by a kangaroo!" I suddenly laughed so hard that it made the people around me to asked me what happened. hahahahaha!
"I got kicked by a kangaroo!" Lol I would've died laughing! That is the most unusual thing to say during a great game of spotlight (btw, LOVE that game :3) lol poor friend!
faye_lee #4
"I got kicked by a kangaroo!"
I can't stop laughing XD I'm still laughing while
typing this comment hahaha RLAB
OH MY GOD YOU'RE AUSTRALIAN (does happy dance)
LOL yeah people in China ask me all the time if I ride kangaroos to school but I've never been kicked by one. I don't even think I've seen one out of captivity. yes, spotlight is fun :D