Comeback Season

Hey guys. I know I've been absentee for...a while. And I'm so sorry I couldn't come back in March like I promised, but life just got in the way and things had to be put off for a little bit and as much as I hate giving up writing, this was one of the things that I had to temporarily give up. I have been writing though in my free time and I am happy to say that on May 31, expect a comeback! (Authors making comebacks, go figure.) I'll be finished with school (only one more year!) and done with all my testing. Hopefully, I'll also be driving by then and life will just be awesome, or at least so much better than it is now. So look forward to seeing Rilakkuma and Pikachu in a fanfiction near you! Plus, I've got a bunch of oneshots that I've written that I'll be dropping sometime later. As always, ANTICIPATE!

And in actual news of comebacks, I'm so excited for this comeback season. Brown Eyed Girls, 4MINUTE, Secret, Sistar, all my favorite girlgroups (except my two top favorite but it's okay it's totally not okay). And I'm so in love with all of the new rookies lately! GI and Ladies' Code have my FULL attention (I am in love with Sojung) and also, Girl's Day and D-UNIT are showing some awesome talent as well. My babies, BAP, will be embarking on their tour that I won't be able to go to because I've got exams and I'm so happy with their success lately. EXO fans, stand by that T. Some good news will be coming to you soon...hopefully. I know your pain, I don't think 2NE1 is ever coming back.../sad tears/



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yourchun #1
cassie here waiting for a db5k comeback? :')
LoL same here, I feel 2ne1 is never coming back lol, so sad of waiting^^....I'm looking forward then, see you soon haha! Can't wait for those one shots and since there's not much news bout 2ne1/bom, it's really killing my mojo, I just need me some bom lol! I love all those girl group too...keke since bom is always hiding, Narsha is keeping company, man I love this girl too haha^^