Daydream ¦ SM's New Girl Group ♦♦ ¦ Goo Sung Chan


Daydream Application



( ★ ) Hello,Hello

Username: loopyloo

Activeness: 7

Real Name: Lola 

 ) Know Your Name

Full Korean Name : Goo SungChan

Other Name : Madeleine (Her French name)

Nicknames: Maddie, BabyChan, Écureuil

Age: 18

Birthdate: 07/15/1994

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Montpellier, France 

Bloodtype: AB

Chinese Zodiac : Dog

Height: 169cm

Weight: 48kg

Languages: Korean (fluent), French (fluent), English (basic)

★ ) Can You Smile

Personality: When SungChan is meeting new people for the first time, she can be quite shy and giggles nervously whenever she says something in the hopes of setting a good impression about her on other people. However, when she's around the people she knows well and is close to, she is a sweet and lively girl who is always saying things to make people laugh and to cheer them up when they're sad by either being crazy and weird or saying something to try and bring the mood up. 

One side to SungChan is the shy but lively girl, the other side is the serious SungChan. She hates it when people talk over her, ignore her or interrupt her. Whenever she sees her little brother or a friend being bullied or picked on she'll instantly turn into the older sister or reliable friend she is and sticks up for them. She strongly believes in stuff such as gay marriage and when someone says something against her beliefs she'll debate with them and nearly get into a full argument with them.

Background: SungChan was born in Seoul and stayed there until she was four and her family moved to France where she grew up in Montpellier. Growing up SungChan began taking piano and guitar lessons at the expense of her mum who could play both instruments and when she was twelve began writing her own songs and sang every so often in local performances. 

At school SungChan was often bullied because of the fact she was from Asia and taller than most girls her age, at some points she even had racist taunts thrown at her. However, she would always ignore the bullies and the racist taunts because she wasn't going to let anyone change her and she wanted to set an example for her younger brother so he could grow up to become mature like she hopes to be one day. 

Horror movies 
Theme parks- espeically rollercoasters 
Brioche- choclate chip ones are her favorite
Tom and Jerry 

High heels- she's tall enough as it is she doesn't want to be taller 
Meeting new people and leaving a bad impression 
Being put on the spot 
Dancing on her own

Reading crime stories and horror novels
Teaching people French and laughing when they can't pronounce words correctly

Giggling nervously when she's shy 
Shouting SHUT UP when someone speaks over her constantly 
Sleep talking in French
Biting her bottom lip and glaring at someone when she's angry  

Water- she's not a strong swimmer
Clowns- use to have a lot of nightmares about them when she was younger


When she moved back to Korea she began taking English lessons at school
Whenever she speaks English it comes out in a mix of a French and Korean accent
Has the nickname Écureuil because it means squirrel and when she first moved to France she had really chubby cheeks 
Sang a French song for her SM Audition
Has the nickname BabyChan because out of all of her friends, she's the youngest
Can play the piano and the guitar to some extent 
Is allergic to kiwi's
The first French food she had was snails... she hasn't eaten it since 
Holds French citizenship therefore uses a French passport 
Is left handed whilst everyone else in her family is right handed 
Has two left feet when it comes to dancing 
If she's one of the youngest in the group, she'll still be the big sister of the group 
Helped write some of EXO's MAMA and SHINee's Dream Girl 
Wants to take her grandparents on holiday to Australia one day as a thank you for forcing her to audition 
When she really hates someone she insults them in French so they don't know what she's saying... unless the person is French
Wears glasses because she's short sighted 
Wanted a pet snake when she was younger, watched Snakes on a Plane and instantly changed her mind

 ) Song For My Juliette

Idol Name : Seohyun 

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|6|

Backup Idol Name : Ailee

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|

 ) Neh Aboji !

Family: Goo ManChun| 50, 05/29/1962 | Business man  | Funny man who can be serious when he needs to be | ManChun is always making his children laugh and playing with them whenever he has the chance to. Growing up SungChan and JaeWoo would always hear stories of how ManChun was a little 'rascal' in his day and one time put a thumb tak onto his teachers seat without the teacher ever finding out.  

Goo Joohyun | 49, 01/09/1964 | Music teacher  | A gentle and loving woman | SungChan is always ringing her mum up whenever she has the chance for either a general chat or for advice. Her mum taught her how to play the piano and guitar so one day SungChan want's to do something special in order to say thank you

Goo JaeWoo | 15, 02/19/1998 | Student | Like any other teenager who loves to go out with his friends and have a good laugh. However, he also thinks his education is just as important and works hard to ahchieve the best results.  | JaeWoo looks up to his big sister and has great respect for her because she waas always there for him and sitcking up for him whenever he was being picked on. SungChan hopes that one day JaeWoo will grow up to be a gentleman one day and not mix in with the wrong crowd. 

Friends :  

Do Kyungsoo | 20, 01/12/1993 | Trainee's together and SungChan helped to write MAMA | Kyungsoo likes to cook with SungChan because she always shows him recipes from France that she learnt and he teaches her  to cook some Korean recipes she didn't know before | Has an amazing voice and is always there to look out for other members, also part of the derp squad

Best friends : Océan Posey | 19, 04/13/1994 | Became friends with SungChan when she moved to Montpellier | Before SungChan moved to SM, the two were inseperable and always hanging around with each other. Now they're always on the phone to each other having a good gossip when p | A lively girl who is loud and loves to crack jokes- basically the joker of the two

Interesting moment with family: When SungChan was eight and her brother was three, SungChan wanted a hair cut and her brother said he would do it for her so she ended up with one side being extremely short and having an extremely wonky fringe 

★ ) Hate You !

Rival Name : Choi Jinri (Sulli) 

Age : 19

Group : F(x)

Personality : Being the face of her group, Sulli thinks she can get whatever she wants whenever she wants and throws hissy fits when things don't go her way. She is also the type to get very jealous, very quickly. 

Reason of Rivalry: Sulli and SungChan attended the same school and Sulli was always jealous of how SungChan was more 'popular' than she was and how everyone seemed to get along with SungChan but ignored Sulli half the time. SungChan doesn't really like Sulli because she see's her as 'fake', stuck up and mean

 ) I Am Your Super Star

How Do You Get Into SM?: When SungChan was 14, she and her family were in Seoul visiting her grandparents. Without SungChan knowing, her grandmother had entered her for SM's weekly audition, something in which SungChan only found out about when her grandmother took her out for 'shopping' but instead ended up at the SM building. At first SungChan didn't want to audition but after much nagging from her grandmother she finally agreed to audition and got accepted into the company.

Trainee Life: The one thing that SungChan found hard in her trainee life was learning dances. SungChan is a rubbish dancer so she spends most of her time trying to make her dancing better to match up to her singing. Besides that everything has been fine so far but she can never tell if it will be as easy for much longer. 

Position: Composer, Lead Vocalist, Dancer 

Back-Up Position: Sub-Leader, Main Vocalist, Dancer

Persona: The shy surprise

Stage Name: Maddie

Years of Training: 4 years 

Fanclub Name and Color: Little squirrels and silver

Singing Twin and Link: Hyorin

Dancing Twin and Link: Jessica

Rapping Twin and Link: Hyoyeon

Speaking Twin and Link: Victoria

★ ) Heart To Heart

Love Interest: Kim Jongin (Kai) 

Age : 19

Group : EXO

Personality : The dancing machine of EXO K, however when he's not performing he can become quite shy and embarrassed when performing aegyo

Relationship : Jongin is always helping out SungChan with her dancing so she can become a better performer and become an all round type. SungChan teaches Jongin French when she has the chance to and has liked him for a while now. 

How you met : Went to the same school together. One day SungChan was having trouble during a dance practice session and Jongin helped her out so the teacher wouldn't scold at her anymore

Backup Love Interest : Kim Joonmyun (Suho)

Age : 21

Group : EXO

Personality : The guardian of EXO who is always looking out for his fellow members, even if he isn't the oldest

Relationship : SungChan see's Joonmyun as an older brother type of person, the two are always swapping books with each other as they love to read and are planning to go to the wizarding world of Harry Potter together

How You Met : SungChan was really shy when she first came to SM, Joonmyun helped her to settle in, get out of her comfort zone and helped her become more confident and make more friends.

(  ) Goodbye and Hello

Suggestion : Nothing I can think of 

Comments : I hope you like her ^.^ 

Scene Requested : Each member doing something with their love interest
SungChan teaching other members French 
The group going on Running Man

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