Review for Death of Innocence


Title) I pretty much liked the title. It, in very brief words, described the storyline. The death of an innocent person. I think this deserves a full mark ^^ 10/10
Characterisation) the characters were only explained in brief. I understand that it is a one shot but in my opinion, the characters should be further explained. Like Yongguk's personality. How he is actually a really good guy that never practices violence. This will bring out the irony in the ending. It was easy to differentiate main and supporting roles so... 6/10
Grammar) I think there were a few MINOR mistakes. The mistakes weren't to the extent where it affected the story. An important fact: You stated that italics were used for flashbacks but in the story, you also used it for thoughts too. 12/15
Flow) For a one shot, the flow was pretty much on par as the others. It is a little rushed but can still give the sequence perfectly. But some parts (Like the part that Yongguk killed Daehyun) were a little bit rushed. It was just a casual being over of the points. 4/5 for you!
Plot) The plot was a little vague. Of course, it was still there and you expressed yourself well. The plot was interesting as the irony was there. But there was only one point of irony. By using the suggestion in the 'characterisation', it would create more irony and the plot would have been better. 8/10
40/50 for this ^^


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