ii: To those out there who can work photoshop and graphics

Your help is needed.

There's this new story that I started, and it is yet to have a poster. Unfortunately, yours truly is not gifted in the art of photoshop and photo editing. If any of you out there is willing to help, I'll thank you heaps. I already have a concrete idea of what I want, the only problem is that I have none of the skills required to actually make it.

I'm very sorry for this shameless request, but if you can spare some of your expertise, I'm just here. Heh.



160413: I have put up a partial poster, but because I've no access to photoshop atm, I just made do with paint and my mobile phone's photo editor. Excuse the tackniness, please. Help is still more than welcome.

170413: Infinite thanks to sarangDB5K who has sent me one beautiful poster. If anyone else wants to contribute their own, I'd still gladly accept them.



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sarangDB5K #1
I'll try to work on it :)