Just some things about myself....

Hello, everyone. My nickname is Princess_KMS...

I am so great to be part of this great website.

Hope you guys take a good care of me...










If you really thought that's what i was going to write, "Haha" to YOU.

So. To make this much more interesting, I should start with my bias.

No one ever said kpop lover can't love actors... right?

My ultimate favorite is an actor named Song Joongki. I'm sure not many people would know him because almost everyone on this website is all focused to singers.

Well, i've been in love with that dude for many many years so i thought i'd throw that out.

Okay, back to kpop.. My ultimate bias is Yang Yoseob from B2ST.

I know some people are probably like, "ew, he's ugly."


Makes me sad.

Just kidding.

I've heard that a lot.

It's okay because I'm not THAT into visuals and honestly, singers that are only visuals are the most useless ones in the world of Kpop.

Come on. You're a singer. At least you gotta be able to dance.

Yoseob has the most beautiful voice i've ever heard in my life.

I think I've been a B2UTY since they made a debut. I just never noticed that the band i'm in love with is b2st.

I've been addicted to the song Bad Girl since the day it was released but i only listened to it, but never bothered to fangirl. I wasn't really into becoming one.

I became a B2UTY like 2 years ago, so a year after their debut. I was just scrolling through Youtube and i forgot what it was but something about b2st came out so i watched it....

I fell in LOVE with the vocal and how Gikwang was so good at dancing and his....abs.


That's pretty much how i became a b2uty.

Okay. Moving on.

My second bias!

You guys probably have an idea who it is...

It's L from infinite.

I know i said visuals are the useless ones in the world of kpop, but i never said i don't love them. i just find them pointless. haha

I guess i am a girl.... i fell in love with this dude.

Honestly, this whole ranking thing depends on my mood.

It's not always

1. Yoseob


3. Chunji (I'll talk about it later)

and so on.

If i'm listening to infinite's songs, L would be my first bias, and if i'm listening to B2st's songs, Yoseob would be my first.

Currently, i'm listening to caffeine by yoseob, so yerp.

Anyways, Myungsoo's lips. His smirk. His eyes. His skin. His crotc<


Everything about him just makes me wanna have a baby with him. o.o

Don't take me weird. We all know that every fangirls want to make babies with their biases.





I love you guys.(I don't know why i said that)

My third is Chunji from Teentop.

He's not so much of a good singer but he isn't bad either. He seems to be practicing a lot, which i like about him, and he's cute ><

I actually fell in love with him when he was singing his best in Be Ma Girl. OMG.

Yeah. Also me gusta when he was humping the air in this one part, iforgotwhichpartitissoifyoudon'tknowwhati'mtalkingaboutgowatchthatmusicvideoandyou'llfindit.

haha... Uhm... yeah. Thanks for reading. Some how i can't press enter anymore so i will finish here. Love you guys.


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Princess_KMS #1
OTL what am i doing with my life.. I'm supposed to be doing my research project T.T