I'm your Noona, or maybe older !




Okay, so, seriously..

What the %$#@#%$@


Just because i'm short and maybe cute,  it doesnt mean that you can woo me! Lol. Idiot, pabo young kids nowadays.


I was like, seriously dude! You're ushering me?! Your noona?



Can't you see how old I am?!

I'M FREAKING 18. 18 dudes!


Hahaha, i dont know why these past days little kid having crush on me. I'm not bragging, but why dont older boys?! *crying* Can't I have any admire from a boy above 18? =='


am enough with little kids...I'm your noona, pabo. 


Just because I'm short, that doesnt mean you can make me as your GF!




My age is 17 years 6 months and 25 days! I'm your noona for damn sake and for those little boys outside, please get yourselves a nice and sharp glasses..or contact lenses!


Dont woo people in front of book store!










I wish i'm taller now =='


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that's better than me.
They saw me as boy :/
now, i need to make my hair long
lol but at least u got admired. and u just gotta ignore the kids
YuKiHaNaXnoXmAi #3
Aww....but one good thing came out of it i guess..that just means you look young ^_^ better young than old,especially if we are 17 or 18.
I have the same problem with you and I'm 23 T_T
ilamarshmallow #5
poor you...what is your height btw?