Influencing people around me

So I am a k-pop fan....but people around me aren't. So here it is:

I play k-pop song every morning before my family and I would go out of the house. I also play k-pop songs before sleeping ^^

Days passed by and I would be hearing my younger brother humming the tone "Insane" by BTOB, "Standing Still" by UKISS, even Lee Hi's "Rose"

and i thought to myself "Hahahah! Influenced my bro." then i would go "Hey! You're humming to "Insane" already! He's now a kpopper like mee~!" and my brother was like "No, I'm not! You just play it everyday that I can remember it everytime I'm bored and there's no other music playing >.<"

*sigh* why would they still deny it~? OTL

There was also a time when we were in our car with no music playing while we wait for my mother. We were doing our own stuffs when suddenly my dad began singing "Oh, Oh oh eh oh~" (from I Got a Boy) and i quickly raised my head up saying, "Dad! You just sang a part of I Got a Boy! Wee! my brother and my father are now a kpopper like meee~!"

dad: *laughs* I didn't even notice that I was singing that! It just suddenly pops in my mind unknowingly because of you playing it everyday. Who wouldn't if you hear that song everyday?"

me: Why can't you just admit it~? T_T both of you still denies even though you're singing and humming to the kpop songs :((

Ugh. people nowadays love to deny. -.-


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