Love Style cont.

I said I would continue this, and I am.

I'll try to finish the emotional/mental aspect of it here, and also work into the physical aspects as well.


I'll go ahead and get this one thing out of the way: I'm a very paranoid person with exteremly low self confidence. So, when someone gives me a compliment, on anything, I believe they are lying. I believe they are just trying to hurt me or get something, although I can never figure out what that something is because there is obviously nothing that I can offer to them. Or if there is, there is surely someone out there who can do whatever it is better than me. These are my normal thoughts. They aren't as bad as they once were, but they're still there.

With that in mind, I have a tendency of feeling like I've annoyed someone, and will feel bad that I've annoyed them, but then when I mention it to the other person, I feel even worse, feeling like that just annoyed them even more. So I want someone who can deal with that.

Know I'm not always like that. I do have my happy moments. :P

I want someone intelligent. Or with a vast amount of knowledge about something. It doesn't matter what really, but just something that I can see you care about, enough to spend time on it. Most of my friends have this. Granted most of my friends have the same pool of knowledge, but the one I found most interesting was someone who was interested in physics. I know nothing of physics, and I at math, but to hear them speak about this with such passion was a wonderful past time I developed.

My thoughts have become jumbled. I'm thinking of specific things, like with the intelligence, but I want to be more vague than that. 

I think, until I get those thoughts organized, I'll go on to the physical aspect, where I can be a little more specific, since that is apparently what my mind wants to do.

The first thing I notice on someone is their ears and nose. God forbid you have a giant one because then I'll be like "oooh!! I want to touch!" Big ears can be cute.

Like this:

That teddy bear has giant ears!!

No, but seriously, he's cute with his big ears.

Also, I love red hair. Natural, or not, I honestly don't care. Red hair is red hair is red hair. Then, if you somehow get red hair paired with green eyes, I'm yours.

But that's just one. I also still love blue eyes, brown eyes, grey eyes, purple eyes, I don't care. And my darker side automatically goes for dark hair, but she doens't get much of a say, as I like hair. I like to play with hair. I don't care color, length, shape, whatever, as long as it looks good. I am partial to long hair on men though, I tend to go for shorter, funky, odd shaped hair on women.

Like Amber from f(x).

Body wise, I like bones. I don't know why. I had a small (*cough*understatement*cough*) obsession with anorexia because of the beginning stages with women, where the hips were very prominent and so were the ribs and collar bones. Bones are wonderful things, they are pretty, and look even better with teeth marks.

This is not a requirement though. I like bones, but I don't think "well I can't see their ribs, or  hips, so I won't like them". I also like long fingers, tall men, and short women. I'm short myself (5'2") so I like women about my height. The men I like tend to be int he 6' category. In fact my last crush I think was 6'2:.

I also like for my women to have a . Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Let's see, is there anything else....

Oh, yes, how could I forget this. Kpop has helped me with this one, thanks to Taemin, Ren, Key, and the Jo Twins, just to name a couple. I love androgeny. In men and women. Love it. I think that's what attracted me to Taemin to begin with (first Shinee video was Lucifer).

Okay, so I think I'm done again. By the way, go watch Merlin. Best show you'll ever watch. I promise.


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